Liber Herbarum Minor (English)
The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine


Ungrouped Diseases & Uses S

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Sa Sc Se Sh Si Sk Sl Sm Sn So Sp St Su Sw Sy
sacer, Ignis
Saint Vitus Dance
Salmonella, Anti
sand, Gall
sand, kidney
Scalp acne
Scalp Itch
scalp problems
scalp, favus of the
scarlet fever
Schnapps, Digestive
Sciatic neuritis
sciatica, Relives symptoms of
sclerosis, Hepatic
sclerosis, Muscular
scorbutic, Anti
scorched, sun
scorpion bite
scorpion bites
Scorpion sting
Scorpion Stings
scrofulouse sores in children
Scrotal pain
Seborrheic dermatitis
Seborrheic eczema
seborrhoeic dermatitis, Neonatal
Second degree burn
secreting, mucus
secretion of gastric juices, insufficient
secretion of gastric juices, stimulates the
secretion, energizer of gastric
secretion, increase the bile
secretion, mucous
secretion, stimulate digestive
secretion, stimulates gastric
Sedative nerve tonic
sedative, mild
seed poultice, Like Lin
seizures, After
semen in men, increase quantity of
semen, strengthen mens
Seminal emissions
senile decay
Senile freckle
senilis, Lentigo
sensation, Burning
sensitive to change of weather
sensitivities, Food
septic opthalmitis
septic wounds
Seven-year itch
sever lower back pain, hard stomach, possible numbness of legs, stomachache with
sexual desire, decrease
sexual desire, Increases
sexual desire, promotes
Sexual diseases
Sexual impotence
sexual power, lack of
Sexual tonic
Sexual weakness
Sexually transmitted disease
Sexually transmitted infections
shaking palsy
shatter stones
shingles neuralgia, Post
short of breath
shortness of breath
Shot Wounds
Shoulder pain
sickness, Altitude
sickness, motion
sickness, travel
sight, clear the
simplex, Herpes
Sinus infection
Sinus trouble
sinuses, cleans
sinuses, Inflammation of the
sinusitis, Chronic
sinusitis, frontal
sinusitis, nasal congestion and
skin blemishes, Facial
Skin cleansing
Skin complaints
Skin conditions
skin conditions, Chronic
skin conditions, Inflamed
skin conditions, Itchy
skin disease
skin disease, chronically
skin diseases
skin diseases, Purify blood in
skin disorders
skin eruption
skin eruption, itching
Skin Eruptions
skin flaccid
skin impurities
Skin infection
Skin infections
skin inflammation
skin inflammations
Skin injuries
Skin itching (scabies)
skin parasite Dermatobia hominis, a botfly, treatment of human
Skin Parasites
skin problems
skin problems in general
skin rashes
skin rashes, chronic
skin sores forming a solid mass, spreading
skin symptoms
skin tonic
skin ulcers
skin wash, Astringent
skin, Burning of
skin, callous
skin, care of the
skin, Chapped
skin, cleansing the
skin, Dry
skin, Emollient to
skin, Good for
skin, Greasy
skin, inflammation of the
skin, irritates the
skin, oily
skin, Overheated
skin, Parasitical affections of
skin, Perfect
skin, Purify
skin, remove hard
skin, sore
skindisease, Dartre a
Sleep hyperhidrosis
sleep, give a good nights
sleep, Make baby
sleeping medicine
sleeping medicine, mild
Sleeplessness in children
slight burns
Slight eyeinfections
Slight infections
slimming remedy
slimy fluids from the bladder, expels the
slimy fluids from the liver, expels the
slow-healing sores
slow-healing wounds
Slow-to-heal wounds
sluggish stomach
smokers cough
Snail fever
snake bite, Antidote for
Snake bites
snake bites, Poisonous
snake bites, Used in the treatment of
Snake Poison Antidote
snake poison, Neutralizes
snakebites, antidote to
sneezing, Stimulates
social disease
solar eczema
Solar lentigo
solid mass, spreading skin sores forming a
soothe bronchitis
soothe eczema
soothe insect bite
soothe lung complaints
soothe muscle spasm
Soothe the mucous membranes of the mouth
Soothe the mucous membranes of the throat
soothe throat complaints
soothes headaches
soothes nerves
Soothes ulcers
Soothes wet eczema
soothing effect on the digestive system
soothing eyewash
Soothing for irritating conditions
Sore and inflamed eyes
Sore eyes
sore eyes
sore gums
sore skin
sore throat
Sore throat
sore throat, a
sore throats, Infected
sore, bed
sore, leg
sore, running
Sores and Wounds, Infected
sores forming a solid mass, spreading skin
sores in children, scrofulouse
sores in the head, heals
Sores in the mouth
sores in the mouth
sores in the throat
sores on the fingers
sores on the lower legs
sores, infected
Sores, Lip
Sores, Mouth
sores, Persistant
sores, poorly healing
sores, Pressure
sores, slow-healing
sores, Ulcerous
sound in ears, ringing
spasm like conditions of the alimentary canal
Spasm of the bladder
spasm, Muscular
spasm, soothe muscle
spasms of the alimentary canal
spasms, Abdominal
spasms, Muscle
spasms, Nervous
spasms, relax
spasms, Relieve muscle
spasms, stomach
spasms, Used to alleviate muscle
spells, dizzy
Spider Bite
Spider Bite Antidote
spider bites
Spider veins
spinal disease
spinal disorder
spine from throat, To remove fish
spirit, Lifts the
spirits, Low
spitting of blood
spleen complaints
spleen diseases
spleen disorders
spleen due to malaria, swollen
Spleen Problems
Spleen tonic
spleen, blockages in the
spleen, disease of the
spleen, Enlargement of the
spleen, Hypertrophied
spleen, malarial
Split hair endings
Spongy gums
Sports injuries
Spot baldness
spot, Age
spot, Old age
spots, Bile
spots, Fights bile
spots, Gall
spots, Infected
spots, Liver
sprains, relieving pain of
spreading skin sores forming a solid mass
spring course
spring fatigue
sprue, Celiac
sputum due to consumption disease, Cough and
sputum, Dyspnaea due to retention of
sputum, Thick
St Anthonys fire
St Vitus Dance
St. Anthonys fire
St. Vitus dance
stabbing or throbbing migraine headache
Stabilises blood pressure
Stabilizes collagen
stages of fever, Early
stages of flu, Early
Stagnant water in the stomach
Stancher, Bleeding
Stanches blood
Staphylococcic, Anti
Stasis dermatitis
Stasis ulcers
stasis, Pains due to blood
state, Acute confusional
state, convulsive
states of intestines, Inflammatory
staunches bleeding
stiff joints
stiff muscles, Relieve
stiffening in joints
stilling, pain
Stimulant acro- narcotic poison
Stimulant to increase appetite
Stimulant to respiration
Stimulant to the central nervous system
stimulant, Appetite
Stimulant, Beard Growth
stimulant, cardiac
stimulant, Circulatory
Stimulant, CNS
stimulant, Digestive
stimulant, heart
stimulant, Imune
stimulant, Local circulatory
stimulant, Used as a
Stimulate circulation
stimulate digestive juices
stimulate digestive secretion
stimulate the appetite
stimulate the liver
stimulate the nervous system
stimulates blood circulation
stimulates digestion
stimulates gastric secretion
Stimulates sneezing
stimulates the bile ducts
stimulates the digestive glands
Stimulates the flow of bile
Stimulates the gallbladder
Stimulates the immune system
stimulates the pancreas
stimulates the pelvic muscles
stimulates the secretion of gastric juices
Stimulates urine
stimulating, Gland
sting, Bee
sting, Scorpion
sting, take the heat out of nettle
sting, wasp
Stingray stings
Stingray Wounds
Stings, Bee
Stings, Centipede
stings, Hornet
stings, Insect bites and
stings, pain relief after
Stings, Scorpion
stings, Stingray
stings, swellings from bee
Stings, Wasp
stomach ache
Stomach aches
Stomach aliment
stomach atony
Stomach cold
stomach cold, Vomiting due to
stomach complaints
stomach complaints, colic-like
stomach cramp
stomach cramps, Childerns
stomach cramps, painfull
stomach debility
Stomach disease
stomach disorders
Stomach inflammation
stomach irritation
Stomach laceration
stomach lassitude
stomach lining inflammation
stomach mucus membrane, Infection of the
Stomach pain
stomach pain, Chronic
stomach pains
stomach problem
stomach problems
Stomach relaxant
stomach spasms
stomach tonic
stomach trouble
Stomach ulcers
stomach, acidity of the
stomach, Bad
stomach, chill on the
stomach, Cleanses the
stomach, complaints of the
stomach, disease of the
stomach, enlargement of the
stomach, give a healthy
stomach, good for the
stomach, haemorrhage from the
stomach, Heat of the
stomach, hemorrhage from the
stomach, Infections of the
stomach, inflammation conditions of the
stomach, inflammation in
stomach, inflammation of
stomach, Nervous
stomach, Nervous complaints of
stomach, possible numbness of legs, stomachache with sever lower back pain, hard
stomach, protective diet for weak
stomach, Purifies the
stomach, regulate the
stomach, sluggish
stomach, Stagnant water in the
stomach, styptic for the
stomach, upset
stomach, weak
stomachache with sever lower back pain, hard stomach, possible numbness of legs
stomachache, Infants
stomachic for oedema, Aromatic
stomack problems, light diet in case of
stone colic, kidney
stone disease, Kidney
Stone in the gallbladder
stone, bladder
stone, kidney
stone, suffer from
Stones in kidney
stones in the urinary tract
Stones, Kidney
stones, Renal
stones, shatter
stones, urinary
stool in children, Bloody
Stool, Blood in
stools, Blood in the
Stop bleeding
stopped, Nose
stopping vomiting
stops bleeding
stops internal bleeding
strenghten heartbeat
strength in case of chest disorders, give
Strengthen gums
strengthen mens semen
Strengthen the lungs
strengthen the pancreas
Strengthener, Back
Strengthener, Hair
Strengthening for the elderly
Strengthening in convalescence
Strengthens blood vessels
Strengthens failing heart in old people
Strengthens in recovering from disease
Strengthens the liver
Strengthens the peripheral circulation
streptococcal infection
Stress, Anti
Stroke prevention
stroke, apoplectic
stroke, Heat
stroke, Sun
strokes, Fever due to heat
strong laxative
Stuffy nose
styptic for the stomach
Substance dependence
Substitute for almond-oil
Substitute for Cephaelis ipecacuanha
substitute for cinchona bark
substitute for cinchona, in fever as
Substitute for olive oil
Substitute, Quinine
substitute, Toothpaste
substitute, Toothpaste
Sudorific febrifuge
suffer from stone
suffering from a nervous disorder
suffering from worm, Alleviates
suffers from nervous problems, Children who
sufficient proteins, for
sugar diabetis
sugar in the urine
sugar in urine
sugar metabolism, regulate
sugar, High blood
sugar, lowering the blood
sugar, urinary
summer diarrhea
summer heat, Fever due to
Sun poisoning
sun rash
Sun stroke
sun, protects against the
superficial wound
support antibiotic treatment
support digitalis therapy
suppressant, Cough
suppurating wound
suppuration to abscesses, promotes
suppuration to glandular swellings, promotes
Suppurative inflammation
supress desires of the flesh
supress the appetite
supression of urine
swallowing, difficult
swallowing, Difficulty in
swallowing, dificulty in
swallowing, disorder of
sweat, Cold
sweat, Low fever without
sweating, Induce
sweats, night
sweaty feet
sweeten the breath
swelling and pain, Ophthalmia with
Swelling of eyes
Swelling of legs
Swelling of legs, Chronical
Swelling of mouth
Swelling of the joints
Swelling of the prostate
Swelling of throat
swelling on any part of the body, hard
swelling, Abdominal
swelling, arthriritic
swelling, Arthritic
swelling, Body
swelling, Jaw
swelling, localized cellulites with
swelling, rheumatioid
swellings from bee stings
swellings, Ecdematous
swellings, Glandular
swellings, hot
swellings, lymphatic
swellings, promotes suppuration to glandular
swellings, reduces
Swollen ankles
swollen breasts, Painful
Swollen face
Swollen feet
swollen finger
swollen glands
Swollen gums
Swollen joints
swollen liver
Swollen lymph glands
swollen neck glands in children
swollen spleen due to malaria
swollen veins
Sydenhams chorea
symptoms of rheumatism, Relives
symptoms of sciatica, Relives
symptoms, skin
Syndrom X
syndrome in children, eczema-astma
syndrome, Acquired immunodeficiency
syndrome, Irritable bowel
Syndrome, Marlow
syndrome, Metabolic
Syphilitic ulcers
System Disorders, Blood
System Disorders, Circulatory
System Disorders, Digestive
System Disorders, Respiratory
system, Acts on the respiratory
system, Acts on the urinary
system, Affections of the nervous
system, calm the central nervous
system, calm the nervous
system, complaints of urinary
system, damage to the circulatory
system, Diseases of circulatory
system, Diseases of the circulatory
system, disorders of the digestive
system, good for the circulatory
system, good for the digestive
system, improves circulatory
system, inflammation conditions of the urinary
system, Inflammation of urinary
system, positive influence on the imune
system, problems in the urinary
system, relaxes the nervous
system, soothing effect on the digestive
system, Stimulant to the central nervous
system, stimulate the nervous
system, Stimulates the immune
Sa Sc Se Sh Si Sk Sl Sm Sn So Sp St Su Sw Sy
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Copyright Erik Gotfredsen