Liber Herbarum Minor (English)
The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine


Ungrouped Diseases & Uses L

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La Le Li Lo Lu Ly
labialis, herpes
laceration, Stomach
lack of appetite
lack of sexual power
laerva, against Botfly
large intestine, inflammation of the
Larva Expulsion, Botfly
larvae of epidermal parasites, Extracts
larynx, disease of
larynx, disease of the
larynx, Inflammation of the
lassitude of organism, General
lassitude, cardiac
lassitude, General
lassitude, mental
lassitude, Nervous
lassitude, stomach
Lateral epicondylitis
laxative for children
laxative, mild
laxative, Mildly
laxative, strong
lead intoxication
lead poisoning
Leg Pain
leg sore
leg wounds
legs, Chronical Swelling of
legs, Cold in the
legs, Numbness in the lower part of the body and the
legs, Numbness of
legs, Pain in the
legs, Rheumatism in the
legs, sores on the lower
legs, stomachache with sever lower back pain, hard stomach, possible numbness of
legs, Swelling of
legs, Tired
legs, Tiredness in the lower part of the body and the
legs, Weakness of
Lentigo senilis
lentigo, Solar
Leprosy, Childrens
lesions in ulcerative colitis, Promotes healing of intestinal
level, reduce blood fat
levels in the blood, lower cholesterol
levels of cholesterol in the blood, High
levels, Decreases uric-acid
Lice, Agouti
life, elixir of
life, Promotes long
Lifts the spirit
ligament, Torn
light burns
light diet in case of stomack problems
light eruption, polymorphous
like conditions of the alimentary canal, spasm
like gastric disorder, colic
like gastric pain, cramp
like infections, flu
like intestinal disorder, colic
like intestinal pain, cramp
Like Lin-seed poultice
like stomach complaints, colic
like urinary pains, Cramp
limbs, Aching
limit infection
Lin-seed poultice, Like
lining inflammation, intestinal
lining inflammation, stomach
Lip Sores
lips, Chapped
lips, Fissure of
lips, Inflammation of the mouth and
Lithic, Anti
live on the outside of the host, Parasites that
Liver ailments
liver complaints
liver damage
liver detoxifier
Liver diseases
liver diseases, antiinflammatory agent in
Liver disorders
liver disorders, Used in the treatment of
liver inflammation
Liver pain
liver problems
Liver protectant
Liver regeneration
Liver spots
liver, Activates the
liver, Affections of the
liver, Asthenia of
liver, benificial effect on the
liver, blockages in the
liver, cirrhosis of the
liver, cleansing and opening
liver, cleansing the
liver, disease of the
liver, disorders of the
liver, Enlarged
liver, Enlargement of
liver, Enlargement of the
liver, expels the slimy fluids from the
liver, good for the
liver, hardening of the
liver, inflammation of the
liver, Purifies the
liver, stimulate the
liver, Strengthens the
liver, swollen
liver, Weakness of the
local anaesthesia
local anaesthetic
Local circulatory stimulant
localized cellulites with swelling
loins, pain across the
loins, pains across the
long life, Promotes
longevity, promotes
loose teeth
loosening of teeth
loosening of the teeth
loosening, cough
Lose weight
lose weight, To
loss of appetite
loss of blood
loss of hair
loss, hair
loss, Hearing
loss, Weight
lotion, Antiseptic
lotion, eye
Love drug
Low back pain
low back pain
low blood pressure
Low energy
Low fever
Low fever without sweat
Low spirits
Lower back pain
lower back pain, hard stomach, possible numbness of legs, stomachache with sever
lower cholesterol levels in the blood
lower extremities, Oedema in
lower legs, sores on the
lower part of the body and the legs, Numbness in the
lower part of the body and the legs, Tiredness in the
lowering the blood sugar
Lowers bloodpressure
Lung abscess
Lung ailments
Lung complaints
lung complaints, soothe
lung disease
lung diseases
lung disorder, haematemesis a
lung disorders
Lung infections
Lung inflammation
Lung problems
Lung tumor
lung, Neoplastic tumors of the
lungs, Cough due to heat in
lungs, Cough due to inflammation in
lungs, enlargement of the
lungs, haemorrhage from the
lungs, hemorrhage from the
lungs, inflammation of the
lungs, Irritated
lungs, phlegm in the
lungs, Strengthen the
lungs, Weakness of
lymph glands, Swollen
Lymphatic deobstructant
Lymphatic Filariasis
lymphatic swellings
La Le Li Lo Lu Ly
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Copyright Erik Gotfredsen