Liber Herbarum Minor (English)
The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine


Ungrouped Diseases & Uses D

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Da De Di Do Dr Du Dy
damage to the circulatory system
damage, frost
damage, Hair
damage, liver
Damage, Muscle
Dance, Saint Vitus
Dance, St Vitus
dance, St. Vitus
dandruff, Anti
Dartre a skindisease
day cough, 100
day fever, three
deafness due to old age, progressive
debility, cardiac
debility, General
debility, mental
debility, Nervous
debility, stomach
decay, senile
decay, Tooth
decongestant, Nasal
decrease sexual desire
Decreases uric-acid levels
Decubitus ulcers
deep abscess, palpable
defaecation, Dyssynergic
deficiency disease, vitamin-c
deficiency, Calcium
deficiency, hearing
deficiency, Iron
deficiency, Nightblindness due to vitamin A
deficiency, vitamin
deficient blood circulation
degree burn, Second
degree burn, Third
delirium tremens
dementia praecox
Dengue fever
dental abscess
dental abscesses
Dental Analgesic
Dental caries
Dental pain
deobstructant, Lymphatic
dependence, Drug
dependence, Substance
depressing, cough
depression, Arthritis with
depression, Mild
depressive dyspepsia
derangement, mental
derangement, metabolic
dermatitis, Acute
dermatitis, chronic
dermatitis, Contact
dermatitis, Neonatal seborrhoeic
dermatitis, Seborrheic
dermatitis, Stasis
Dermatobia hominis, a botfly, treatment of human skin parasite
dermatological complaints
desire for alcohol, Takes away
desire, decrease sexual
desire, Increases sexual
desire, promotes sexual
desires of the flesh, supress
detoxifier, liver
diabetes mellitus
Diabetes mellitus type 2
diabetes, Adjusts
diabetes, Adult-onset
diabetes, Helpful in
diabetes, Mild
diabetes, Regulates
Diabetes, Type 2
diabetic, Anti
diabetis, sugar
Diaper rash
Diarrhea In children
Diarrhea with blood
Diarrhea with muscus
diarrhea with muscus, Nervous
diarrhea, Childerns
diarrhea, choleraic
diarrhea, infantile
diarrhea, summer
diarrheic, Anti
diarrhoea in children
diarrhoea, Astringent in
diarrhoea, Astringent in bilious
Diarrhoea, Black
diarrhoea, Bleeding
diarrhoea, chronic
diarrhoea, mild
diarrhoea, Watery
diarrhoeal, Anti
diet for weak stomach, protective
diet in case of stomack problems, light
Dietetic food
difficult swallowing
Difficult urination
difficulties, Breathing
difficulty in breathing
Difficulty in swallowing
diffuse goiter, Toxic
dificulty in swallowing
digestion in old people, Failing
digestion, Aids
digestion, bad
digestion, benificial effect on the
digestion, Good for
digestion, improves
digestion, Poor
digestion, Promotes
digestion, stimulates
digestion, Weak
digestive bitter
Digestive disorders
digestive disturbance
digestive glands, stimulates the
digestive juices, stimulate
digestive organs, disease of the
digestive organs, disorders in the
digestive pain
digestive problems
Digestive Schnapps
digestive secretion, stimulate
Digestive stimulant
Digestive System Disorders
digestive system, disorders of the
digestive system, good for the
digestive system, soothing effect on the
Digestive tonic
digestive tract diseases, antiinflammatory agent in
digestive tract, Inflammation of the
digestive tract, Inflammations of the
digestive trouble
Digestive ulcers
digestive upset
Digestive weakness
digestive, Aromatic
digestive, Warming
digitalis therapy, support
dilatation of the heart
dilution, Blood
Discharge of urine
discharge of urine, involuntary
Discharge of vesicles
Discharge, Electric Fish
discharge, Protection from electric fish (Electrophorus electricus)
discharge, reduces mucus
discharge, vaginal
discomfort, abdominal
Disdorders of the bile
disease of ear
disease of infancy and childhood
disease of larynx
disease of the bladder
disease of the blood
disease of the brain
disease of the digestive organs
disease of the ear
disease of the eye
disease of the gall
disease of the joints
disease of the joints, chronic
disease of the larynx
disease of the liver
disease of the spleen
disease of the stomach
disease, Abdominal
disease, Alzheimer
disease, Alzheimers
disease, Arteriosclerotic vascular
disease, aural
disease, Autoimmune
disease, Back
disease, Basedows
disease, Bladder
disease, blood
disease, Buergers
disease, Cardiovascular
disease, Celiac
disease, Chagas
disease, Chagas
disease, childhood
disease, chronic heart
disease, chronically skin
disease, Coeliac
disease, Coelic
disease, Communicable
disease, Coronary heart
disease, Cough and sputum due to consumption
disease, Eye
disease, Glandular
disease, Graves
disease, Hansens
disease, heart
disease, hepatic
disease, Hookworm
disease, Infectious
disease, kidney
disease, Kidney stone
disease, lung
disease, mental
disease, nervous
disease, ophthalmic
disease, opthalmic
disease, organic heart
disease, Parkinson
disease, Parkinsons
disease, parodontal
disease, prostatic
disease, pulmonary
disease, Renal
disease, Respiratory
disease, Sexually transmitted
disease, skin
disease, social
disease, spinal
disease, Stomach
disease, Strengthens in recovering from
disease, Thyroid
disease, Transmissible
disease, Urinary bladder
disease, venereal
disease, vitamin-c deficiency
disease, Wasting
diseases in children, Intestinal tract
Diseases of chest
Diseases of circulatory system
Diseases of the circulatory system
diseases of the respiratory tract
diseases with eruptions, Febrile
diseases, Abdominal
diseases, All
diseases, Allergic
diseases, antiinflammatory agent in digestive tract
diseases, antiinflammatory agent in liver
diseases, antiinflammatory agent in respiratory
diseases, antiinflammatory agent in respiratory tract
diseases, antiinflammatory agent in urinary
diseases, Antipyretic in highly febrile
diseases, Back
diseases, Bladder
diseases, Blood borne
diseases, Cardiac
diseases, Cardiovascular
Diseases, Childrens
diseases, eye
diseases, fever
diseases, Gum
diseases, Heart
diseases, Infectious
diseases, infectious
diseases, Internal
diseases, intestinal
diseases, Kidney
diseases, Liver
diseases, lung
diseases, Mouth
Diseases, Oral
diseases, Purify blood in skin
diseases, Respiratory
diseases, rheumatic
diseases, Sexual
diseases, Skin
diseases, spleen
diseases, thyroid
diseases, Urinary
diseases, Urinary-tract
diseases, venereal
dislocation, Joint
disorder of metabolism
disorder of swallowing
disorder of the heart
disorder of the kidneys
disorder, Anxiety
disorder, circulation
disorder, colic-like gastric
disorder, colic-like intestinal
disorder, Erectile function
disorder, Gastrointestinal
disorder, Glandular
disorder, haematemesis a lung
disorder, heart
disorder, Hormonal
disorder, Mental
disorder, metabolic
disorder, Psychiatric
disorder, respiratory
disorder, Rheumatic
disorder, spinal
disorder, suffering from a nervous
disorder, vascular
disorders in the digestive organs
disorders in the respiratory passages
disorders in the trachea
Disorders of the blood
disorders of the digestive system
disorders of the heart, Nervous
disorders of the liver
disorders of the urinary passage
disorders, abdominal
Disorders, Alimentary
disorders, Amoebic intestinal
disorders, Anxiety
disorders, biliary
disorders, bladder
Disorders, Blood System
disorders, circulatory
Disorders, Circulatory System
disorders, Digestive
Disorders, Digestive System
disorders, gallbladder
disorders, gastric
disorders, give strength in case of chest
disorders, glandular
disorders, heart
disorders, Hepatic
disorders, intestinal
disorders, kidney
disorders, Liver
disorders, lung
Disorders, Mental
Disorders, Metabolic
disorders, nervous
disorders, Neurological
Disorders, Nutritional
disorders, painful
disorders, painkiller for biliary
disorders, painkiller for gastric
disorders, painkiller for intestinal
disorders, Renal
disorders, respiratory
Disorders, Respiratory System
disorders, skin
disorders, spleen
disorders, stomach
Disorders, Unspecified Medicinal
disorders, urinary
disorders, Used in the treatment of liver
disorders, vascular
disorders, venous
dispel worms
Distension of chest
distension, Abdominal
distress, miction
distress, respiratory
disturbance, circulatory
disturbance, digestive
disturbance, emotional
disturbance, metabolic
disturbance, psychic
Disturbances, Gastric
disturbances, Hormonal
diuresis, promote
Diuretic in catarrhal affections
diuretic, Antiseptic
diuretic, Gentle
diuretic, mild
Dizziness due to hypertension
dizzy spells
dog bites
douche, nasal
Dries wet eczema
drink, Vitamin-C
Dripping urine
drop, Ear
drop, eye
drops, cough
drops, eye
Drops, Nose
dropsy, abdominal
dropsy, hepatic
drowsiness, cause
drowsy, make one
Drug dependence
drug, Love
drug, miracle
Dry and unproductive coughs
dry cough
dry coughs
Dry mouth
Dry skin
ducts, stimulates the bile
due to blood stasis, Pains
due to bronchiectasis, Haematemesis
due to consumption disease, Cough and sputum
due to heat in lungs, Cough
due to heat strokes, Fever
due to hypertension, Dizziness
due to inflammation in lungs, Cough
due to influenza, Fever
due to influenza, Headache
due to malaria, swollen spleen
due to old age, progressive deafness
due to pulmonary tuberculosis, Haemoptysis
due to retention of sputum, Dyspnaea
due to stomach cold, Vomiting
due to summer heat, Fever
due to tuberculosis, Intermittent fever
due to vitamin A deficiency, Nightblindness
Duodenal ulcer
Duodenal ulcers
duodenum, Ulcers of
dysenteri, Amoebic
dysenteric, Anti
Dysentery (amebic)
Dysentery (bacillary)
dysentery, Amebic
dysentery, Amobic
Dysentery, Amoebic
dysentery, Bacillary
dysentery, Bacterial
dysentery, Chronic
dysentery, Chronic infantile
dysentery, microbic
dysfunction, bladder
dysfunction, Erectile
dysfunction, Erectile
dyspepsia, Atonic
dyspepsia, chronic
dyspepsia, depressive
Dyspnaea due to retention of sputum
dysrhythmia, Cardiac
Dyssynergic defaecation
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Copyright Erik Gotfredsen