Plant |
Family | Potato Family (Solanaceae) |
English |
Chilli pepper, Chile de arbol, African pepper, American bird pepper, Bell pepper, Bird pepper, Capsicum, Capsicum annuum, Cayenne, Cayenne pepper, Cherry pepper, Chile pepper, Chile pequin, Chile petin, Chile tepin, Chili, Chili pepper, Chilipiquin, Chilis, Chilli, Chilly pepper, Chipotle, Cone pepper, Green, Green pepper, Hungarian pepper, Jalapeño, Mississippi sport pepper, Numex, Ornamental pepper, Paprika, Pepper, Pod pepper, Red hot chilli pepper, Red pepper, Sweet pepper, Turkey pepper |
Latin |
Capsicum annuum Linne, Capsicum annuum var. aviculare (Dierb.) D'Arcy & Eschbaugh, Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculum (Dunal) Heiser & Pickersgill, Capsicum cordiforme Mill., Capsicum grossum L., Capsicum longum DC., Capsicum minimum Mill., Capsicum annuum, Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculum L., Capsicum annuum var. aviculare, Capsicum grossum Willden, Capsicum longum, Capsicum minimum Roxb. |
Plantparts | Chewed leaves, foliage, Fruit, Fruits, Leaf, Unspecified |
Ungrouped Diseases & Uses |
Abdominal trouble, abscess, Abscesses, Aching joint, Aching joints, Aching muscles, Aids digestion, Alcoholism, Anaesthetic, Anesthetic, Angina, Anorexia, Anorexy, Anthelmintic, Anthelmintics, Anti-abscess, Antianginal, Anti-bacterial, Antibacterial Agent, Anti-chilblain, Anti-dysenteric, Anti-gonorrhea, Anti-gout, Anti-helminthic, Antihelminthics, Anti-helmintic, Antihemorrhagic, Anti-hemorrhoidal, Antihæmorrhagic, Anti-inflammatory, antiinflammatory agent, Anti-Rheumatic, antiseptic, aperient, Appetite stimulant, Appetizer, Appetizing, Arthralgia, arthritis, Backache, Back pain, Back pains, Bactericidal, Bactericide, Bacteriostatic, bad circulation, bad digestion, baktericidal, benificial effect on the digestion, Bleeding Stancher, Blood circulation, Blood circulation problems, Blood System Disorders, Bloody flux, Boils, carbuncle, Carbuncles, cardiac conditions, Cardiac diseases, cardiac problems, Cardiac troubles, Cardiovascular, Cardiovascular disease, Cardiovascular diseases, Carminative, Carminativum, catharic, Cathartic, check bleeding, Chest Pain, Chest Pains, Chilblain, Chilblains, Chill burns, circulation, Circulatory stimulant, Circulatory System Disorders, Clap, Clears gas, Cold burn, complaints of the stomach, deficient blood circulation, delirium tremens, Diaphoretic, Digestive, digestive disorders, digestive problems, Digestive stimulant, Digestive System Disorders, digestive trouble, Digestive weakness, Dipsomania, disease of the digestive organs, disease of the stomach, disinfectant, disorder of the heart, disorders of the digestive system, dispel worms, dispepsia, dysentery, dyspepsia, Energizer, Erectile dysfunction, Erectile function disorder, Eupeptic, expel worms, Failing digestion in old people, Fart, Febrile response, fever, feverish condition, Fevers, Flatulence, flatulency, flatus, frostbite, Frostbites, Frostnip, gargle, Gas, Gastropathy, General inflammation, General inflammations, gonorrhea, gonorrhoea, Good for digestion, good for the circulatory system, good for the digestive system, good for the stomach, gout, haemorrhoids, haemostatic, heart complaints, heart conditions, heart disease, Heart diseases, heart disorder, heart disorders, heart problems, heart trouble, helmint, Hemorrhoid, hemorrhoids, Hemostat, hemostatic, Herbal tonic, hidrotic, Hæmostatic, impotence, impotency, improves appetite, Improves circulation, improves circulatory system, improves digestion, inappetence, Increases the appetite, indigestion, Induce sweating, Infected sore throats, inflammation, inflammation in general, inflammation of the throat, inflammations, Inflammations in general, inhibit bleeding, intestinal gas, Irritant, joint pain, joints pain, lack of appetite, laxative, Lethargy, Loss of appetite, Low back pain, Low energy, Lower back pain, lumbago, Male impotence, movements of the bowel, Muscle cramps, Muscle pain, muscle pains, Muscle spasms, Muscular pain, Muscular spasm, Myalgia, pain across the loins, Painfull joints, pain in the chest, pain in the joints, Pain in the muscels, pains across the loins, paralysis, Pernio, Perniosis, Pick-me-up, Piles, pleurisy, pleuritis, Poor appetite, poor blood circulation, Poor circulation, Poor digestion, Post-shingles neuralgia, Promotes digestion, Psychostimulants, Ptyalagogue, Ptysmagogue, purgative, Pyrexia, quinsy, Relieve muscle spasms, Rheumatic arthralgia, Rheumatic disorder, rheumatism, Rubefacient, Sciatica, Sciatic neuritis, Seasickness, Sexual impotence, Sialagogue, Sialogogue, soothe muscle spasm, Sore throat, Stanches blood, staunches bleeding, Stimulant, Stimulants, Stimulant to increase appetite, Stimulate circulation, stimulates blood circulation, stimulates digestion, stimulate the appetite, stimulating, Stiptic, Stomach aliment, stomach atony, stomach complaints, stomach debility, Stomach disease, stomach disorders, stomachic, stomach lassitude, stomach problems, stomach tonic, Stomach trouble, Stop bleeding, stops bleeding, Strengthens the peripheral circulation, Styptic, sudorific, sweat-inducing, Takes away desire for alcohol, throat infections, throat inflammation, Throat pain, throat-wash, Tonic, Tonsillitis, Topical analgesic, treatment for worms, Used as an antiseptic, Used as a stimulant, Used to alleviate muscle spasms, Vermicide, vermifugal, vermifuge, vitamin-c deficiency disease, vitamin deficiency, Warming, Warming digestive, warm the joints, weak stomach, wind, worm, worms |
Cancer |
Anticancer (Bladder), Anti-Cancer (Skin), Bladder cancer, cancer of the bladder, Skin cancer |
Homoeopathically uses |
homoeopathically use, Homoeopathically uses, middle-ear infections, throat infections |
Foods |
Condiment, culinary, Culinary herb, salad, spice |
Other uses |
Arrow poison, Blowpipe Poison, Curare |
TCM - Traditional Chinese medicine |
TCM MERIDIAN: NA, Traditional Chinese medicine, Used in traditional Chinese medicin |
Local (Geographical) use |
Phytomedical used in West Bank, Palestine, Phytomedical used on Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Phytomedical use in Brazil, Phytomedical use in Cyprus, Phytomedical use in Samoa, Phytomedical use in the Guianas (Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana) |
Ingredients |
  | 1-Hexanol, 2-Hexanol, 2-Methyl-Butan-1-Ol, 2-Methyl-Butan-2-Ol, 2-Methyl-Butanal, 3-Hexanol, 3-Methylbutanoic acid, acetic acid, Acetoin, Acetylcholine, Alanine, Alpha-Carotene, Alpha-Cryptoxanthin, Alpha-Linolenic acid, Alpha-Pinene, Alpha-Terpineol, Alpha-Tocopherol, aluminium, ammonia, apiin, Arachidic acid, arginine, Arsenic, ascorbic acid, ash, asparagine, Aspartic acid, Barium, Behenic acid, Benzaldehyde, Beta-Pinene, Beta-Sitosterol, Boron, bromine, Butane-2,3-Diol, Cadmium, caffeic acid, Calcium, Campesterol, Camphene, Caprylic acid, capsaicin, Capsanthin, Carbohydrates, Carene, carotenoid, Caryophyllene, Chlorogenic acid, chlorophyll, choline, Chromium, Cinnamic acid, citric acid, Citrulline, cobalt, Copper, Cryptoxanthin, Cystine, Dehydroascorbic acid, Delta-Carotene, Dyes, Epsilon-Carotene, essential oil, Ethyl acetate, Ethyl-3-Methylbutyrate, eugenol, fat, fat oil, Fibres, flavo-Glycoside, fluorine, folinic acid, Galactose, glucose, Glutamic acid, Glycine, Guaiacol, Heptadecane, hesperidin, Hexadecane, Hexanal, Hexanoic acid, Histidine, Hydroxy-Alpha-Carotene, iron, Isobutyraldehyde, Isoleucine, Isovaleraldehyde, Lead, Leucine, limonene, Linalol, linalool, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, Lithium, Lupeol, lutein, Luteolin, Lysine, magnesium, Malonic acid, manganese, Mercury, Methionine, Molybdenum, myrcene, Myristic acid, Naphthalene, Neo-Beta-Carotene, Niacin, Nickel, Nitrogen, N-Methyl-Aniline, O-Cresol, Octane, Oleic acid, oxalic acid, Palmitic acid, Palmitoleic acid, Pantothenic acid, P-Coumaric acid, P-Cresol, P-Cymene, Pentadecane, phenol, Phenylalanine, phosphorus, Phytosterol, Piperidine, potassium, Proline, Propionic acid, protein, pulegone, P-Xylene, Pyridine, Pyridoxine, Pyrrolidine, Rubidium, rutin, Sabinene, salicylate, Scopoletin, Selenium, Serine, silicon, Silver, sodium, Solanidine, solanine, Solasodine, Stearic acid, Stigmasterol, Strontium, sugars, Sulfur, Terpinen-4-Ol, Terpinolene, Tetradecane, Threonine, Tin, Titanium, Tocopherol, Toluene, trigonelline, Trimethylglycine, Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Valine, violaxanthin, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin C, Vitamin K1, water, xanthophylls, Xylose, Zeaxanthin, zinc, Zirconium, Α-Phellandrene, Β-amyrin, Β-Carotene, Β-cryptoxanthin, Γ-Terpinene, Ζ-Carotene |