Liber Herbarum Minor (English)
The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine




  Alpha-Pinene, Α-Pinene, A-Pinene

Plant Names


English Latin
Agathosma betulinaAgathosma betulinaLeaf, Oil of leaves
AjwainTrachyspermum ammiFruit, Unspecified
AkulikuliSesuvium portulacastrum
AllspicePimenta dioicaFruit, Leaf, Oil of leaves
American beauty berryCallicarpa americanaLeaf
American pennyroyalHedeoma pulegioidesPlant, Pollen
American wild mintMentha canadensisPlant
AngelicaAngelica archangelicaFruit, Oil from the root, Root, Seed, Seed oil
AnisePimpinella anisumSeed, Volatitile oil
Apothecary's roseRosa gallicaVolatitile oil
AsafoetidaFerula assa-foetidaGum, Seed oil, Volatitile oil
Autumn crocusCrocus sativus
Balsam firAbies balsameaPlant
Balsam of peruMyroxylon balsamumPlant
BasilOcimum basilicumOil of leaves, Plant, Volatitile oil
Bastard cardamomWurfbainia villosa var. xanthioidesSeed
Bastard cinnamonCinnamomum aromaticum
Bay laurelLaurus nobilisBark, Flower, Leaf, Oil of fruits, Oil of leaves, Wood
Beefsteak plantPerilla frutescensPlant
Beggar sticksBidens pilosa
Benguet pinePinus kesiya
Bergamot mintMentha aquaticaLeaf, Shoot
Bhutan pinePinus wallichianaLeaf
Bible hyssopOriganum syriacumShoot
Billygoat weedAgeratum conyzoidesPlant
Bitter orangeCitrus x aurantiumFruit, Leaf
Black carawayNigella sativa
Black currantRibes nigrumFruit, Leaf
Black horehoundBallota nigraPlant
Black pepperPiper nigrumFruit, Oil of fruits, Seed oil, Volatitile oil
Black walnutJuglans nigraFruit, Volatitile oil
Blue giant hyssopAgastache foeniculumPlant
Blue gumEucalyptus tereticornisShoot
BlueberryVaccinium corymbosumFruit
Blunt mountain-mintPycnanthemum muticumShoot
Bois-de-roseAniba rosodoraVolatitile oil
BoldoPeumus boldusLeaf
Breckland thymeThymus serpyllumPlant
Broad-leaved lavenderLavandula latifoliaPlant
Burnet saxifragePimpinella saxifraga
Burning bushDictamnus albusShoot
BurweedAlternanthera pungens
Bush mintElsholtzia fruticosaLeaf
Bushy matgrassLippia albaPlant
CajuputMelaleuca cajuputiLeaf
CalamintClinopodium nepeta subsp. spruneri
CalamondinCitrus x microcarpaFruit juice
Camphor basilOcimum kilimandscharicumFlower, Leaf
Camphor treeCinnamomum camphoraLeaf, Plant
Canada horsebalmCollinsonia canadensisPlant
Canarian sageSalvia canariensisLeaf
Canarium nutCanarium indicum
CandyleafStevia rebaudianaFlower, Leaf
Capillary wormwoodArtemisia capillarisVolatitile oil
CarawayCarum carviPlant, Seed
CardamomElettaria cardamomumFruit, Oil from the root, Oil of fruits, Seed oil
CardamonWurfbainia villosa
CascarillaCroton eluteriaBark
CeleriacApium graveolensOil of leaves, Pericarp, Seed, Seed oil
CentellaCentella asiaticaPlant, Shoot, Volatitile oil
Chilgoza pinePinus gerardiana
Chilli pepperCapsicum annuumFruit, Fruit
Chinese boxMurraya exotica
Chinese ephedraEphedra sinica
Chinese prickly ashZanthoxylum bungeanum
Chir pinePinus roxburghii
CicelyMyrrhis odorataPlant, Volatitile oil
Citronella grassCymbopogon winterianusPlant
Citronella grassCymbopogon nardusPlant
ClarySalvia sclareaPlant
Clinopod bergamotMonarda clinopodiaPlant
Clove basilOcimum gratissimumFlower, Leaf, Plant, Shoot
ColeusColeus barbatusOil from the root, Oil of leaves
Common figFicus caricaOil of leaves
Common gum cistusCistus ladanifer
Common hogweedHeracleum sphondylium
Common hopHumulus lupulusFruit, Fruit, Volatitile oil
Common juniperJuniperus communisFruit, Fruit, Oil of fruits, Oil of leaves, Unspecified, Volatitile oil
Common lavenderLavandula angustifoliaPlant
Common myrtleMyrtus communisLeaf
Common rueRuta graveolensPlant
Conehead thymeThymbra capitataPlant, Shoot
CordoncilloPiper auritumLeaf
CorianderCoriandrum sativumFruit, Seed oil, Volatitile oil
CostmaryTanacetum balsamitaPlant
Cotton plantGossypiumPlant
Creosote bushLarrea tridentataVolatitile oil
Cretan oreganoOriganum onitesPlant, Shoot
Crimson beebalmMonarda didymaFlower, Leaf, Plant
CubebPiper cubebaFruit, Fruit, Oil of fruits
CuminCuminum cyminumSeed, Seed oil
Curry treeMurraya koenigiiLeaf
Damask roseRosa x damascenaVolatitile oil
Dame's rocketHesperis matronalisFlower
DamianaTurnera diffusaLeaf
DillAnethum graveolensLeaf, Seed, Seed oil, Volatitile oil
Downy woundwortStachys germanicaPlant
European silver firAbies albaPlant
Felty germanderTeucrium poliumPlant
Female ginsengAngelica sinensisRoot
FennelFoeniculum vulgareFruit, Oil from the root, Plant, Seed, Seed oil, Volatitile oil
Fever-fewTanacetum partheniumOil of fruits, Shoot, Volatitile oil
Field mintMentha arvensisPlant
Flooded gumEucalyptus grandisOil of leaves
Florist's daisyChrysanthemum x morifoliumPlant
FrankincenseBoswellia sacra
GalbanumFerula gummosaPlant
GermanderTeucrium micropodioidesLeaf
GingerZingiber officinaleOil from the root, Rhizome, Rhizome
GinsengPanax ginsengOil from the root, Root
Goat oreganoSatureja thymbraShoot
Gray-boxEucalyptus moluccanaShoot
Greater galangalAlpinia galangaLeaf, Oil from the root, Oil of leaves, Rhizome
Greek oreganoOriganum vulgare subsp. hirtumPlant, Shoot
Greek oreganoSalvia fruticosaPlant
Ground ivyGlechoma hederaceaPlant
GuavaPsidium guajavaOil of leaves, Volatitile oil
GumCorymbia maculataShoot
Heart-leaved houttuyniaHouttuynia cordataPlant, Volatitile oil
Herb hyssopHyssopus officinalisLeaf, Shoot, Volatitile oil
Himalayan stelleraStellera chamaejasme
Hoary basilOcimum americanumShoot
Hoary mountain mintPycnanthemum incanumShoot
Holy basilOcimum tenuiflorum
Horse chestnutAesculus hippocastanumFlower=oil
Horse mintMentha longifoliaShoot
HorsemintMonarda citriodoraFlower, Leaf, Plant
Houpu magnoliaMagnolia officinalisPlant
Hsin-iMagnolia kobusFlower
Hsin-iMagnolia fargesiiFlower
Indian patchouliPogostemon cablinPlant
Iron bark treeEucalyptus leucoxylonLeaf
Key limeCitrus x aurantiifoliaFruit
Khaki BushTagetes minutaFlower=oil, Oil of leaves, Plant, Volatitile oil
Kneeling angelicaAngelica genuflexa
Korean mintAgastache rugosatissue culture, Volatitile oil
KumquatsCitrus japonica
Large flowered calamintClinopodium grandiflorum
LavandinLavandula x intermediaPlant
LemonCitrus x limonOil of fruits, Oil of leaves, Pericarp, Petiole, Volatitile oil
Lemon grassCymbopogon citratusPlant
Lemon scented gumCorymbia citriodoraLeaf, Oil of leaves, Shoot, Volatitile oil
Lemon thymeThymus x citriodorusPlant
Lemon verbenaAloysia citrodoraPlant
Lesser calamintClinopodium nepetaPlant
Lesser marigoldTagetes filifoliaOil of leaves, Shoot
LettuceLactuca sativa
Lilac or common lilacSyringa vulgarisFlower
Lily treeMagnolia denudataBark, Bulb, Flower, Leaf, Twig
Lion's tailLeonotis leonurus
Long-leaf pinePinus palustris
LovageLevisticum officinaleRoot
MaceMyristica fragransOil of leaves, Seed, Seed oil, Volatitile oil
MacelaAchyrocline saturejoides
MaizeZea mays
MangoMangifera indicaFlower
Maranhao jaborandiPilocarpus microphyllusLeaf
MarapuamaPtychopetalum olacoidesOil from the root
MarjoramOriganum majoranaPlant, Volatitile oil
MasterwortPeucedanum ostruthiumRoot
MasticPistacia lentiscus
Mastic thymeThymus mastichinaPlant
Mediterranean cypressCupressus sempervirens
MicromeriaMicromeria julianaLeaf
Monkey pepperXylopia aromatica
Moroccan savory thymeThymus saturejoidesShoot
MotherwortLeonurus cardiacaPlant
Mountain mintPycnanthemum verticillatum var. pilosumFlower, Leaf
MugwortArtemisia vulgarisPlant
Mulan magnoliaMagnolia liliiflora
MyrrhCommiphora myrrha
Nettle-leaf giant hyssopAgastache urticifoliaPlant
Northern bugleweedLycopus uniflorusPlant
NotopterygiumHansenia weberbaueriana
OreganoOriganum vulgarePlant, Volatitile oil
Oregon myrtleUmbellularia californicaPlant
PapaloquelitePorophyllum ruderalePlant
Paper plantCyperus papyrus
Paraguay jaborandiPilocarpus pennatifolius
ParsleyPetroselinum crispumFruit, Leaf, Oil of fruits, Root, Seed, Seed oil
Pei lanEupatorium fortunei
Penny royalMentha pulegiumOil of leaves, Plant, Volatitile oil
PeppermintMentha x piperitaLeaf
Pernambuco jaborandiPilocarpus jaborandiLeaf
Peruvian pepperSchinus molleFruit
PignutMesosphaerum suaveolensPlant, Shoot
Poor man's ginsengCodonopsis pilosula
Provence roseRosa x centifoliaVolatitile oil
Rasp-leaf pelargoniumPelargonium radens
Red cedarJuniperus virginianaLeaf
Red sageLantana camaraLeaf, Shoot
River red gumEucalyptus camaldulensisShoot
Roman camomileChamaemelum nobilePlant
Rose geraniumPelargonium graveolensVolatitile oil
RosemarySalvia rosmarinusLeaf, Oil of leaves, Plant, Shoot, Volatitile oil
SageSalvia officinalisOil of leaves, Plant, Volatitile oil
SalaiBoswellia serrataVolatitile oil
SandaracTetraclinis articulata
SassafrasSassafras albidumLeaf, Root
Savin juniperJuniperus sabinaPlant
Scots pinePinus sylvestrisFlower, Leaf, Oil from the root, Oil of leaves, Plant, Twig, Volatitile oil
Shiny elsholtziaElsholtzia splendens
Siberian firAbies sibiricaOil
Siebold's wild gingerAsarum sieboldii
Silver wormwoodArtemisia ludovicianaVolatitile oil
Silvery wormwoodArtemisia argyi
Simpleleaf chastetreeVitex trifolia
Snow-in-summerMelaleuca linariifoliaLeaf
Southern wax myrtleMyrica ceriferaLeaf
Spanish thymeThymus zygisShoot
Spear mintMentha spicataLeaf, Shoot, Volatitile oil
Spice bushLindera benzoinFruit, Leaf, Twig
SpikenardNardostachys jatamansi
SpikenardAralia cordataRoot
SpikenardNardostachys jatamansi
Spirit weedEryngium foetidumPlant
Spotted beebalm and horsemintMonarda punctataPlant
St john's wortHypericum perforatumOil of fruits, Oil of leaves, Plant
Star aniseIllicium verumFruit, Fruit
Stone mintCunila origanoidesShoot
Sugar gumEucalyptus cladocalyxShoot
Sugar-applesAnnona squamosaPlant
Summer savorySatureja hortensisPlant
SunflowerHelianthus annuusPlant
Sweet flagAcorus calamusRhizome, Rhizome
Sweet wormwoodArtemisia annuaShoot
TamarindTamarindus indicaOil of fruits
TansyTanacetum vulgarePlant
TarragonArtemisia dracunculusOil from the root, Oil of leaves, Shoot, Volatitile oil
Tasmanian blue gumEucalyptus globulusLeaf, Oil of fruits, Oil of leaves, Shoot, Volatitile oil
TasnanesiClinopodium serpyllifolium subsp. fruticosumLeaf
TeaCamellia sinensisLeaf
Tea treeMelaleuca alternifoliaLeaf, Oil from the root, Oil of leaves, Volatitile oil
Tea treeLeptospermum polygalifoliumLeaf
Tea treeMelaleuca alternifoliaLeaf, Oil from the root, Oil of leaves, Volatitile oil
ThymeThymus vulgarisPlant, Volatitile oil
Tomato plantSolanum lycopersicumFruit
True cinnamonCinnamomum verumBark, Leaf, Oil from bark, Oil of leaves, Root bark, Stem Bark
TurmericCurcuma longaLeaf, Oil from the root, Rhizome, Tuber, Volatitile oil
ValerianValeriana officinalisLeaf, Oil from the root, Oil of leaves, Root, Volatitile oil
VetiverChrysopogon zizanioidesRoot
Vietnamese balmElsholtzia ciliataShoot
Virginia mountain mintPycnanthemum virginianumShoot
Virginia water horehoundLycopus virginicusPlant
VitexVitex agnus-castusFlower, Fruit, Leaf, Oil, Oil of fruits, Oil of leaves
Water pepperPersicaria hydropiperVolatitile oil
Weeping paperbarkMelaleuca leucadendra
West indian bay treePimenta racemosaLeaf
White cedarThuja occidentalis
White horehoundMarrubium vulgarePlant, Volatitile oil
White wormwoodArtemisia herba-albaPlant
White-leaved mountainmintPycnanthemum albescensShoot
Wild bergamotMonarda fistulosaPlant
Wild carrotDaucus carotaRoot, Seed, Shoot
Winter savorySatureja montanaPlant, Volatitile oil
Wood sageTeucrium scorodoniaShoot
WormseedDysphania ambrosioidesPlant, Unspecified
YarrowAchillea millefoliumLeaf
Yerba buenaMicromeria douglasiiPlant
ZedoaryCurcuma zedoariaRhizome

Source: LiberHerbarum/In1302

Copyright Erik Gotfredsen