| 4536 |
 | Maianthemum stellatum (L.) Link Syn: Smilacina stellata (L.) Desf.
?: Maianthemum stellatum Smilacina stellata / Smilacena stellata (L.) Desf. [Illegal spelling] |
 | Star-flowered false solomon's seal False solomon's seal / Little false solomon's seal / Star-flowered lily of the valley / Starflowered solomon's-plume / Starry false lily of the valley / Starry false solomon’s-seal / Starry false solomon's seal |
 | Sternförmiges duftsiegel Kanadische schattenblume |
 | Stjärnrams |
 | Stjernefjør / Stjernekonvall |
 | Hagastirni |
 | Smilacine étoilée |
 | Troslelietje |
 | Täht-varjuliilia |
 | マイアンテムム・ステラツム |
 | 38, 222, 229, 240, 253, 504, 508, 998, 1001, 5000 |