|  |  |  | Preparation | Use |
 | Calendula arvensis | | | | |
 | Ager morgenfrue | betændelse i mundslimhinden | | | er ikke angivet |
 | Field marigold | inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth | | | Not specified |
 | Acker-ringelblume | Entzündung der Mundschleimhaut | | | Nicht spezifiziert |
 | Åkerringblomma | inflammation i mundhålans slemhinnor | | | |
 | | betennelse i munnens slimhinner | | | |
 | | bólgur í slímhimnu í munni | | | |
 | Peltokehäkukka | | | | |
 | Souci des champs | | | | |
 | Nagietek polny | | | | |
 | Akkergoudsbloem | | | | |
 | Fiorrancio selvatico | | | | Non specificato |
 | Calendula | | | | Não especifico |
 | Caléndula campestre | | | | |
 | Nechtík roľný | | | | |
 | Põld-saialill | | | | |
 | Mezei körömvirág | | | | |
 | Měsíček roční | Stomatitida | | | |
 | | Estomatite | | | Não especificado |
 | | 口内炎 | | | |
 | همیشهبهار صحرایی | | | | |
 | Njivski ognjič | | | | |
 | بكورية حقلية' | | | | |
 | Καλεντούλα άγρια | | | | |
 | ציפורני-חתול מצויות | | | | |
 | Yabani tıbbi nergis | | | | |
 | Kalendulo kampa | | | | |
 | Melyn-mair yr ŷd | | | | |
 | Boixac de camp | | | | |
 | Нагідки польові | | | | |
 | 62- |