| | | | Preparation | Use |
| Bistorta officinalis | | Rhizoma | | |
| Slangeurt | betændelse i mundslimhinden | Rhizom | | er ikke angivet |
| Bistort | inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth | creeping rootstalks | | Not specified |
| Schlangen-knöterich | Entzündung der Mundschleimhaut | Erdspross | | Nicht spezifiziert |
| Stor ormrot | inflammation i mundhålans slemhinnor | Rotstam | | |
| Ormerot | betennelse i munnens slimhinner | Rotstokk | | |
| Slöngusura | bólgur í slímhimnu í munni | | | |
| Isokonnantatar | | Maavarsi | | |
| Renouée bistorte | | Rhizome | | |
| Rdest wężownik | | Kłącze | | |
| Adderwortel | | wortelstokken | | |
| Bistorta | | Rizoma | | Non specificato |
| Bistorta | | Rizoma | | Não especifico |
| Bistorta | | Rizoma | | |
| Hadovník väčší | | rizóma | | |
| Ussitatar | | Risoom | | |
| Kígyógyökerű keserűfű | | Gyõkértõres | | |
| Rdesno hadí kořen | Stomatitida | Oddenek | | |
| Bistorta | Estomatite | | | Não especificado |
| 拳参 | | 根莖 | | |
| quan shen | | | | |
| Горец змеиный | | Корневище | | |
| イブキトラノオ | 口内炎 | 地下茎 | | |
| پرسیکاریا بیسترتا | | زمینساقه | | |
| Dresen kačja | | Korenika | | |
| أنارف | | جذمور | | |
| Stóinse | | fréamhstoc | | |
| | | קנה שורש | | |
| | | Rizom | | |
| Bistorto | | radiktrunko | | |
| Llysiau`r neidr | | | | |
| Срчењак | | Ризом | | |
| Srčenjak | | Rizom | | |
| Մանդիկ | | Կոճղարմատ | | |
| | | Rizoma | | |
| Ірча́к змії́ний | | Кореневище | | |
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