| Plant- Link | | Plantenavne | Plant names | Pflanzennamen |  | | N | of |
 |  | Achillea millefolium | Almindelig røllike | Yarrow | Gemeine schafgarbe |  | 13-132, 13-17 | 1 | 31 |
 |  | Actaea racemosa | Sort sølvlys | Black cohosh | Trauben-silberkerze |  | 62 | 1 | 9 |
 |  | Aeollanthus suaveolens | - | - | - |  | 1015-85 | 1 | 3 |
 |  | Allium sativum | Hvid-løg | Garlic | Knoblauch |  | 61 | 1 | 37 |
 |  | Anethum graveolens | Dild | Dill | Dill |  | 23-31 | 1 | 20 |
 |  | Artemisia absinthium | Malurt | Absinthium | Wermut |  | 62 | 1 | 32 |
 |  | Asclepias curassavica | Rav-silkeplante | Milkweed | Indianer-seidenpflanze |    | 84-24, 84-99 | 1 | 7 |
 |  | Astrocaryum vulgare | - | Awarra palm | - |  | 78-359 | 1 | 2 |
 |  | Betonica officinalis | Læge-betonie | Purple betony | Heil- ziest |  | 31-68 | 1 | 17 |
 |  | Boesenbergia rotunda | Javaingefær | Fingerroot | Chinesischer ingwer |  | 1019-22 | 1 | 3 |
 |  | Cannabis sativa | Almindelig hamp | Hemp | Hanf |  | 15-115 | 1 | 16 |
 |  | Capsella bursa-pastoris | Almindelig hyrdetaske | Shepherd's purse | Gewöhnliches hirtentäschel |  | 1-133, 60-665, 62 | 3 | 31 |
 |  | Carapa guianensis | - | Andiroba | - |  | 1028-87 | 1 | 6 |
 |  | Caryocar brasiliense | - | Pequi | - |       | 1028-80 | 1 | 3 |
 |  | Cedrela odorata | Cubaceder | Spanish cedar | Westindische zedrele |  | 78-359 | 1 | 8 |
 |  | Chamaemelum nobile | Romerkamille | Roman camomile | Römische kamille |  | 62 | 1 | 12 |
 |  | Cleome viscosa | - | Asian spider flower | - |   | 58, 1019-22 | 2 | 5 |
 |  | Coccoloba excelsa | - | - | - |  | 78-359 | 1 | 1 |
 |  | Coleus amboinicus | - | Country borag | Jamaika-thymian |  | 61 | 1 | 9 |
 |  | Crataegus oxyacantha | Almindelig hvidtjørn | Common hawthorn | Gemeiner weissdorn |  | 3-23 | 1 | 11 |
 |  | Cucurbita pepo | Mandel-græskar | Pumpkin | Garten kürbis |     | 61, 1028-81 | 2 | 13 |
 |  | Curarea candicans | - | - | - |  | 78-359 | 1 | 2 |
 |  | Curcuma longa | Gurkemeje | Turmeric | Kurkuma |  | 15-38 | 1 | 19 |
 |  | Cyperus brevifolius | - | Shortleaf spikesedge | - |  | 1019-23 | 1 | 4 |
 |  | Datura metel | Blå pigæble | Angel's trumpet | Arabischer stechapfel |  | 58, 78-359 | 2 | 13 |
 |  | Datura stramonium | Pigæble | Jimson weed | Gemeine stechapfel |  | 78-359 | 1 | 25 |
 |  | Dipteryx odorata | Tonkabønne | Tonka beans | Tonkabaum |  | 78-359 | 1 | 7 |
 |  | Echeveria | Roset | Echeveria | Echeverien |  | 1022-342 | 1 | 1 |
 |  | Eryngium foetidum | - | Spirit weed | Langer koriander |  | 84-99 | 1 | 6 |
 |  | Euphorbia tirucalli | Levende pind | Aveloz | Bleistiftstrauch |  | 55-34 | 1 | 7 |
 |  | Glechoma hederacea | Almindelig korsknap | Ground ivy | Gundermann |  | 61 | 1 | 16 |
 |  | Gloeoporus thelephoroides | - | - | - |  | 78-359 | 1 | 1 |
 |  | Gossypium | Bomuld | Cotton plant | Baumwollpflanze |  | 78-359 | 1 | 6 |
 |  | Gossypium barbadense | Barbados-bomuld | Extra long staple cotton | Baumwolle |  | 78-359 | 1 | 8 |
 |  | Gossypium hirsutum | Amerikansk bomuld | Upland cotton | - |  | 45-133 | 1 | 6 |
 |  | Hyoscyamus albus | Hvid bulmeurt | White henbane | Weisses bilsenkraut |  | 31-57 | 1 | 4 |
 |  | Hyoscyamus niger | Almindelig bulmeurt | Henbane | Schwarzes bilsenkraut |  | 1-197, 10-9, 31-56 | 3 | 22 |
 |  | Hyssopus officinalis | Ægte isop | Herb hyssop | Ysop |  | 1-188, 10-39, 31-68 | 3 | 22 |
 |  | Lavandula angustifolia subsp. angustifolia | Lavendel | Common lavender | Echter lavendel |  | 3-23 | 1 | 16 |
 |  | Lilium candidum | Madonna lilje | Madonna lily | Madonnen-lilie |  | 61 | 1 | 10 |
 |  | Lippia alba | - | Bushy matgrass | - |  | 84-99 | 1 | 10 |
 |  | Melissa officinalis | Hjertensfryd | Lemon balm | Zitronen-melisse |  | 3-23, 31-67, 62, 79 | 4 | 35 |
 |  | Mentha x villosa | Stor æble-mynte | Apple mint | Hain-minze |  | 1017-333 | 1 | 3 |
 |  | Menyanthes trifoliata | Almindelig bukkeblad | Menyanthes | Fieberklee |  | 62 | 1 | 20 |
 |  | Myrica gale | Pors | Bog myrtle | Gagelstrauch |   | 57-17 | 1 | 8 |
 |  | Myroxylon balsamum | Perubalsamtræ | Balsam of peru | Echter balsambaum |  | 1022-343 | 1 | 7 |
 |  | Nicotiana rustica | Bonde tobak | Aztec tobacco | Bauern-tabak |  | 10-18, 31-58 | 2 | 9 |
 |  | Nicotiana tabacum | Almindelig tobak | Common tobacco | Virginischer tabak |  | 10-79 | 1 | 17 |
 |  | Ocimum basilicum | Basilikum | Basil | Basilikum |  | 1015-85 | 1 | 27 |
 |  | Ocimum tenuiflorum | Hellig basilikum | Holy basil | Indisches basilikum |  | 78-360 | 1 | 10 |
 |  | Palicourea colorata | - | - | - |  | 60-1818 | 1 | 1 |
 |  | Palicourea tomentosa | - | Sore-mouth bush | - |  | 78-360 | 1 | 2 |
 |  | Papaver somniferum | Opiums-valmue | Opium poppy | Schlaf-mohn |  | 15-72 | 1 | 16 |
 |  | Pelargonium | Pelargonie | Geranium | Pelargonien |  | 23-32 | 1 | 1 |
 |  | Pelargonium graveolens | Rosengeranie | Rose geranium | Rosengeranie |  | 32-44, 200-2206 | 2 | 6 |
 |  | Peperomia rotundifolia | - | Yerba linda | - |  | 78-360 | 1 | 3 |
 |  | Persicaria acuminata | - | Tapertip smartweed | - |  | 78-360 | 1 | 2 |
 |  | Petroselinum crispum | Persille | Parsley | Petersilie |  | 3-23, 79 | 2 | 26 |
 |  | Petroselinum crispum subsp. crispum | Rodpersille | Curly leaf parsley | Bittersilche |  | 62 | 1 | 4 |
 |  | Phyllanthus tenellus | - | Long stalked leaf-flower | - |  | 1019-23 | 1 | 3 |
 |  | Physalis angulata | - | Angular winter cherry | - |   | 55-4, 60-1982, 61 | 3 | 13 |
 |  | Pulsatilla montana | - | Mountain pasqueflower | Berg-kuhschelle |  | 26-10 | 1 | 1 |
 |  | Pulsatilla patens | Finger-kobjælde | Eastern pasqueflower | Finger-kuhschelle |  | 26-10 | 1 | 3 |
 |  | Pulsatilla pratensis | Kobjælde | Small pasque flower | Wiesen-kuhschelle |   | 46, 57-30 | 2 | 7 |
 |  | Pulsatilla vernalis | Vår-kobjælde | Spring pasque flower | Frühlings-kuhschelle |  | 57-30 | 1 | 2 |
 |  | Pulsatilla vulgaris | Opret kobjælde | Pasque flower | Gewöhnliche kuhschelle |  | 10-58, 26-10, 30-100, 46 | 4 | 12 |
 |  | Ranunculus sceleratus | Tigger-ranunkel | Cursed buttercup | Gift hahnenfuss |  | 10-75 | 1 | 9 |
 |  | Rosa x centifolia | Centifolierose | Provence rose | Zentifolie |  | 62 | 1 | 4 |
 |  | Ruta graveolens | Almindelig rude | Common rue | Wein raute |   | 61, 1015-87, 1017-336 | 3 | 28 |
 |  | Sambucus nigra | Fligbladet hyld | Elder | Schwarzer holunder |  | 62 | 1 | 30 |
 |  | Sciadotenia cf. cayennensis | - | - | - |  | 78-360 | 1 | 1 |
 |  | Scoparia dulcis | - | Licorice weed | - |  | 61 | 1 | 16 |
 |  | Secale cereale | Rug | Rye | Roggen |   | 23-124, 31-94 | 2 | 6 |
 |  | Sempervivum tectorum | Almindelig husløg | Common house leek | Dach-hauswurz |  | 1-145, 10-36, 23-66, 31-36 | 4 | 9 |
 |  | Stizophyllum riparium | - | - | - |  | 78-360 | 1 | 1 |
 |  | Terminalia catappa | Indisk mandel | Bengal almond | Katappenbaum |  | 45-133, 45-24 | 1 | 6 |
 |  | Tussilago farfara | Almindelig følfod | Colts foot | Huflattich |  | 16-16 | 1 | 25 |
 |  | Viola odorata | Viol | Sweet violet | Duft-veilchen |  | 79 | 1 | 22 |