Plantago major L.
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| Diseases & Uses | Krankheiten & Anwendungen | |||||||
Ikke grupperet sygdomme og anvendelser | Ungrouped Diseases & Uses | nicht zugeordnete Krankheiten & Anwendungen | N= 27 | |||||||
##<2550>## GB | Nephritic oedema | - | 50-215 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
acne | acne | Akne | 61 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Afføringsmiddel | Cathartic | Abführmittel | 2-69, 30-97, 38 | 3 | 11 % | |||||
Akut øjenbetændelse | Acute conjunctivitis | - | 50-215 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Analgetikum | analgesic | Analgetikum | 61 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
anoreksi | anorexia | Anorexie | 1-205, 2-69, 3-119, 10-28, 31-61, 62 | 6 | 22 % | |||||
Antidoter | antidote | Antidot | 38 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Antioxidant | Anti-Oxidant | Antioxidans | 1012-146 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
antiseptisk | antiseptic | Antiseptikum | 61 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
anæmi | anemia | Anämie | 61 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
apopleksi | apoplexy | Apoplex | 1015-87 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Astma | asthma | Asthma bronchiale | 2-69, 14-178, 62 | 3 | 11 % | |||||
beroligende middel | sedative | Tranquilizer | 61 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
betændelse | Anti-inflammatory | Antiphlogistikum | 61 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
betændelse i mundslimhinden | inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth | Entzündung der Mundschleimhaut | 61 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Betændelse i ørespytkirtelen | Parotiditis | - | 61 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
betændelse i åndedrætsorganerne | antiinflammatory agent in respiratory diseases | Entzündungen in den Atmungsorganen | 1012-146 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
betændelseshæmmende | Anti-inflammatory | Antiphlogistikum | 62 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Bihulebetændelse | Sinusitis | Sinusitis | 61 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
bindehindebetændelse | conjunctivitis | Bindehautentzündung | 61 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
blod i urin | Blood in the urine | Hämaturie | 2-69, 61 | 2 | 7 % | |||||
blodrensende | Depurative | Blutreinigend | 1-205, 2-69, 10-28, 23-47, 31-61, 38, 61, 62 | 8 | 29 % | |||||
blodspytning | Haemoptysis | Blutauswurf | 2-69, 61 | 2 | 7 % | |||||
blodstigning | congestion | Blutandrang | 61 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Blodstillende | Antihemorrhagic | Hämostatikum | 38, 61, 62 | 3 | 11 % | |||||
blærehæmorroider | - | - | 2-69 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Blærelidelser | Urinary bladder disease | Blasenkrank | 1-205, 10-28, 31-61 | 3 | 11 % | |||||
blærestyrkende | Weakness of the bladder | Blasenschwäche | 2-69, 62 | 2 | 7 % | |||||
blødgørende | Moisturizers | erweichen | 61 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Blødning | bleeding | Blutung | 60-1712, 61 | 2 | 7 % | |||||
Brandsår | burn | Verbrennung | 61 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Bronkitis | bronchitis | Bronchitis | 1-205, 10-28, 31-61, 50-215, 61, 62, 78-350 | 7 | 25 % | |||||
diarre | diarrhea | Durchfall | 2-69, 3-119, 14-178, 50-215, 61, 62, 79 | 7 | 25 % | |||||
Diuretikum | diuretic | Diuretikum | 1-205, 10-28, 31-61, 38, 61, 62 | 6 | 22 % | |||||
dysenteri | dysentery | Dysenterie | 60-1712 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
feber | fever | Fieber | 60-1712, 61, 78-363 | 3 | 11 % | |||||
forbedrer blodet | - | - | 2-69 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Fordøjelsesbesvær | indigestion | Verdauungsstörung | 61, 62, 78-358 | 3 | 11 % | |||||
forkølelse | common cold | Erkältung | 50-215, 61 | 2 | 7 % | |||||
forstoppelse | constipation | Verstopfung | 1040-6 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Furunkel | Boil | Furunkel | 61 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
galdelidelser | biliary disorders | Erkrankung der Galle | 14-178 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Gastritis | Gastritis | Magenschleimhautentzündung | 61 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
grusdannelse | - | - | 2-69 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
gurglevand | gargle | Gurgelwasser | 10-28 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Halsbetændelse | sore throat | Halsschmerzen | 1-205, 10-28, 31-61, 62 | 4 | 14 % | |||||
Halsbetændelse | tonsillitis | Tonsillitis | 61 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
halskatar | throat catarrh | Halskatarrh | 2-69 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
halslidelser | Throat affections | Halsbeschwerden | 1015-87 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
hoste | cough | Husten | 14-178, 50-215, 62 | 3 | 11 % | |||||
Hudbetændelse og bylder | Skin inflammation and boils | - | 50-215 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
hæmorider | hemorrhoids | Hämorrhoiden | 61 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
hævelser | Bloating | Anschwellung | 14-178 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Infektion | infections | Infektion | 61 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Inflammation i maveslimhinden | stomach lining inflammation | Entzündungen der Magenschleimhaut | 62, 79 | 2 | 7 % | |||||
Insektstik | Bite | Biss | 30-97, 61 | 2 | 7 % | |||||
Kighoste | Pertussis | Keuchhusten | 62 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
kvalme | nausea | Übelkeit | 61 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
kvæstelser | Bruise | Prellung | 60-1712 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
kølende | Coolant | kühlen | 38 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Leishmaniasis | Leishmaniasis | Leishmaniose | 78-372 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Leversygdomme | liver diseases | Leberkrankheiten | 14-178, 61 | 2 | 7 % | |||||
lidelser i åndedrætsorganer | - | - | 14-178 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
lindrende | Demulcent | lindernd | 38 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
luftvejskatar | respiratory catarrh | Atemwegskatarrh | 1-205, 10-28, 31-61, 79 | 4 | 14 % | |||||
Lungebetændelse | pneumonia | Lungenentzündung | 3-119 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
lungelidelser | Lung ailments | Lungenbeschwerden | 2-69 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Mavebesvær | Stomach disease | Magenerkrankung | 2-69 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
mavebetændelse | Gastritis | Entzündungen des Magens | 3-119 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
mavesår | Digestive ulcers | Magengeschwür | 61 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Migræne | migraine | Migräne | 61 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
mundkatar | - | - | 2-69 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
myggestik | Gnat bite | Mückenstich | 23-47, 62 | 2 | 7 % | |||||
Nyrebetændelse | inflammation of kidneys | Nierenentzündung | 61 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Næseblod | nosebleed | Nasenbluten | 61 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
omslag | poultice | Arzneipflaster | 14-178, 38 | 2 | 7 % | |||||
ondt for tænder ved tandsætning | - | Zahnende Kinder | 23-47 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Ormemiddel | Anthelmintic | Anthelminthikum | 38, 62 | 2 | 7 % | |||||
paradentose | Gingivitis | Gingivitis | 61 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
prostata | prostate | Prostata | 61 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
psoriasis | psoriasis | Schuppenflechte | 61 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
reumatisme | rheumatism | Rheuma | 61 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
sammentrækkende middel | astringent | Adstringens | 38, 61, 62 | 3 | 11 % | |||||
slim | mucus | Schleim | 2-69 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Slimløsende | Mucolytic agent | Expektorans | 38, 61, 1012-146 | 3 | 11 % | |||||
smertefuld vandladning | dysuria | Dysurie | 61 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Snitsår | cut | Schnittwunde | 30-97 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
stendannelser | Anti-Lithic | - | 2-69 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Stimulans | Stimulants | Stimulans | 60-1712 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
stofskiftebesvær | metabolic disorder | Stoffwechselstörung | 2-69 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Strubehovedbetændelse | laryngitis | Laryngitis | 61 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
styrker slimhinder | - | - | 2-69 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
svækkelse | Asthenia | Schwäche | 61 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Svælgkatar | pharyngitis | Rachenentzündung | 61 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
sår | Wound | Wunde | 1-205, 14-178, 61, 62, 1040-6 | 5 | 18 % | |||||
Sår på fødderne | Cuts on the foot | Wunde Füße | 62 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
sårhelende | wound healing | Wundheilung | 1-205, 2-69, 10-28, 23-47, 31-61, 61 | 6 | 22 % | |||||
tarmbetændelse | Inflammation of bowels | Darmentzündung | 3-119 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Tarmkatar | enteritis | Enteritis | 1012-146 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
tarmlidelser | Intestinal affections | Darmbeschwerden | 2-69 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Tonic | Herbal tonic | Tonikum | 61 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
træg afføring | sluggish stomach | - | 23-47 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
træthed | Fatigue | Übermüdung | 60-1712, 1040-6 | 2 | 7 % | |||||
trøske | thrush | Candida Albicans | 61 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Urinsten og infektion | Urinarystone and infections | - | 50-215 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
urinvejsblødninger | - | Blutungen der Harnwege | 79 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
urinvejsinfektion | infection of the urinary organs | Harnweginfektion | 14-178 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
væksthæmmende på mikroorganismer | anti-microbial action | antimikrobiell | 61 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
ødem | edema | Ödem | 2-69 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
øjenbetændelse | conjunctivitis | Augenentzündung | 1-205, 10-28, 31-61, 61, 78-354 | 5 | 18 % | |||||
Øjenirritation | Eye irritation | - | 61 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
øjenlidelser | Eye disease | Augenbeschwerden | 38, 60-1712 | 2 | 7 % | |||||
Åbnende | Deobstruent | - | 38 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Årebetændelse | phlebitis | Phlebitis | 61 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Åreknude | varicose veins | Krampfader | 61 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Kræft | Cancer | Krebs | N= 27 | |||||||
Neoplasi | Neoplasm | Tumor | 61, 62 | 2 | 7 % | |||||
Kvindelidelser | Women's diseases | Frauenleiden | N= 27 | |||||||
Emmenagogue | Emmenagogue | - | 61 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
menopause | menopause | Menopause | 78-373 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Homøopatiske anvendelser | Homoeopathically uses | Homöopathisch Verwendung | N= 27 | |||||||
Homøopati: mellemøre infektioner | Homoeopathy: middle-ear infections | - | 26-236 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Homøopati: sengevædning | homoeopathy: bedwetting | Homöopathie: Bettnassen | 26-236 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Homøopati: tandpine | Homoeopathy: toothache | Homöopathie: Zahnschmerzen | 26-236 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Fødevarer | Foods | Lebensmittel | N= 27 | |||||||
teerstatning | tea substitute | Tee Ersatz | 38 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
TKM: Traditionel Kinesisk Medicin | TCM - Traditional Chinese medicine | TCM - Traditionelle chinesische Medizin | N= 27 | |||||||
Anvendes i traditionel kinesisk medicin | Traditional Chinese medicine | Traditionelle chinesische Medizin | 50-215, 510-0, 511 | 3 | 11 % | |||||
TKM MERIDIAN: Uoplyst | TCM MERIDIAN: NA | TCM MERIDIAN: unaufgeklärt | 511 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Lokal (geografisk) anvendelse | Local (Geographical) use | Einheimische Anwendung | N= 27 | |||||||
Anvendes Plantemedicinsk i Brasilien | Phytomedical use in Brazil | Wird in Brasilien phytomedizinisch verwendet | 60, 61-0 | 2 | 7 % | |||||
Anvendes Plantemedicinsk i Bulgarien | Phytomedical used in Bulgaria | Wird in Bulgarien phytomedizinisch verwendet | 1012-146 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Anvendes Plantemedicinsk i Fransk Guiana | Phytomedical used in French Guiana | Wird in FranzösischGuayana phytomedizinisch verwendet | 1030-207 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Anvendes plantemedicinsk i Guiana (Guyana, Suriname, Fransk Guiana) | Phytomedical use in the Guianas (Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana) | Wird in Guayana (Guayana, Surinam, Französisch Guayana) phytomedizinisch verwendet | 78-228 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Anvendes Plantemedicinsk i Kina | Phytomedical use in China | Wird in China phytomedizinisch verwendet | 50-215 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Anvendes Plantemedicinsk i La Paz og El Alto, Bolivia | Phytomedical used in La Paz and El Alto, Bolivia | Wird in La Paz und El Alto, Bolivien, phytomedizinisch verwendet | 1022-345 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Anvendes Plantemedicinsk i nordlige Indien | Phytomedical used in northern India | Wird in Nord Indien phytomedizinisch verwendet | 1035-6 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Anvendes Plantemedicinsk i nordøst Brazilien | Phytomedical used in Northeastern Brazil | Wird in Nordost Brasilien phytomedizinisch verwendet | 1015-87, 1016-10 | 2 | 7 % | |||||
Anvendes Plantemedicinsk i Vietnam | Phytomedical use in Vietnam | Wird in Vietnam phytomedizinisch verwendet | 52-295 | 1 | 3 % | |||||
Anvendes Plantemedicinsk på Cypern | Phytomedical use in Cyprus | Wird auf Zypern phytomedizinisch verwendet | 82-1714 | 1 | 3 % |
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| Ingredients | Inhaltsstoffe | N= 14 | ||||||
- | Apigetrin | Cosmosiin | 503-761, 506 | 2 | 14 % | |||||
- | Baicalein | - | 61, 503-761, 506, 511 | 4 | 28 % | |||||
- | Baicalin | - | 503-761, 506, 511 | 3 | 21 % | |||||
- | Cynaroside | Cynarosid | 511 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
- | fumaricine | - | 511 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
- | Galangin | - | 511 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
- | Galanolactone | - | 511 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
- | Geniposidic-Acid | - | 503-761, 506 | 2 | 14 % | |||||
- | Hispidulin | - | 61, 503-761, 506 | 3 | 21 % | |||||
- | Indicaine | - | 61, 503-761, 506 | 3 | 21 % | |||||
- | Ixoroside | Ixorosid | 511 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
- | Luteolin-7-O-Beta-D-Glucoside | - | 503-761, 506 | 2 | 14 % | |||||
- | Luteolin-7-O-Beta-D-Glucuronide | - | 503-761, 506 | 2 | 14 % | |||||
- | neochlorogenin | - | 511 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
- | Nepetin | - | 61, 503-761, 506 | 3 | 21 % | |||||
- | Phenolcarbonic acids | - | 503-761, 506 | 2 | 14 % | |||||
- | Plantagonine | - | 61, 503-761, 506 | 3 | 21 % | |||||
- | Plantarenaloside | - | 511 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
- | Plantease | - | 503-761, 506 | 2 | 14 % | |||||
- | Planteose | - | 52-295 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
- | Scutellarin | Scutellarin | 503-761, 506, 511 | 3 | 21 % | |||||
- | scutevulin | - | 511 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
- | Syringic acid | Syringasäure | 503-761, 506 | 2 | 14 % | |||||
- | Syringin | Syringin | 503-761, 506 | 2 | 14 % | |||||
- | Tyrosol | - | 503-761, 506, 511 | 3 | 21 % | |||||
4-Hydroxy-3-Methoxy-Benzoesyre | Vanillic acid | Vanillinsäure | 503-761, 506 | 2 | 14 % | |||||
4-Hydroxy-Benzoesyre | 4-Hydroxybenzoic acid | 4-Hydroxybenzoesäure | 503-761, 506 | 2 | 14 % | |||||
Acetosid | Acetoside | - | 503-761, 506 | 2 | 14 % | |||||
adenin | adenine | Adenin | 503-761, 506 | 2 | 14 % | |||||
alantoin | allantoin | Allantoin | 61, 62, 503-761, 506 | 4 | 28 % | |||||
alkaloid | alkaloid | Alkaloide | 61, 62, 503-761, 506 | 4 | 28 % | |||||
Amyrin | Amyrin | Amyrin | 61 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
Anthrakinoner | anthraquinone | Anthrachinon | 61 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
apigenin | Apigenin | Apigenin | 61, 503-761, 506 | 3 | 21 % | |||||
arabinose | Arabinose | Arabinose | 61 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
aske | ash | Asche | 503-761 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
Askorbinsyre | ascorbic acid | Ascorbinsäure | 61, 503-761, 506 | 3 | 21 % | |||||
asperulosid | asperuloside | Asperulosid | 61, 503-761, 506, 511 | 4 | 28 % | |||||
aucubin | aucubin | Aucubin | 1-205, 10-28, 26-236, 31-61, 52-295, 61, 503-761, 506, 511 | 9 | 64 % | |||||
Benzoesyre | benzoic acid | Benzoesäure | 503-761, 506 | 2 | 14 % | |||||
Betakaroten | Β-Carotene | B-Caroten | 503-761 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
Bitre glykosider | bitter glycoside | Bittere Glykoside | 31-61, 62 | 2 | 14 % | |||||
bitterstof | Bitter Components | Bitterstoff | 2-69, 62 | 2 | 14 % | |||||
Calcium | Calcium | Calcium | 503-761 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
Campesterol | Campesterol | Campesterin | 511 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
Catalpol | Catalpol | Catalpol | 61, 503-761, 506 | 3 | 21 % | |||||
cholin | choline | Cholin | 61, 503-761, 506 | 3 | 21 % | |||||
Citronsyre | citric acid | Citronensäure | 52-295, 61, 503-761, 506 | 4 | 28 % | |||||
D-glukose | D-Glucose | D-Glucose | 61, 503-761, 506 | 3 | 21 % | |||||
elainsyre | Oleic acid | Ölsäure | 503-761, 506 | 2 | 14 % | |||||
emulsin | Emulsin | Emulsin | 61, 503-761, 506 | 3 | 21 % | |||||
enzym | enzyme | Enzym | 61 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
Fedtstof | fat | Fette | 503-761, 506 | 2 | 14 % | |||||
Ferulasyre | Ferulic acid | Ferulasäure | 503-761, 506 | 2 | 14 % | |||||
Fibre | Fibres | Fasern | 503-761, 506 | 2 | 14 % | |||||
flavonoid | flavonoid | Flavonoide | 61 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
fosfor | phosphorus | Phosphor | 503-761 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
fruktose | fructose | Fructose | 61 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
Fumarsyre | fumaric acid | Fumarsäure | 503-761, 506 | 2 | 14 % | |||||
Galaktose | Galactose | Galactose | 61 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
Gamma-Sitosterol | Gamma sitosterol | Gamma-Sitosterol | 511 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
Garvestof | Tanning agents | Gerbstoff | 2-69, 62 | 2 | 14 % | |||||
garvesyre | Tannic acid | Gerbsäure | 1-205, 26-236, 31-61, 62 | 4 | 28 % | |||||
gentisin | Gentisin | Gentisin | 511 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
Gentisinsyre | Gentisic acid | Gentisinsäure | 503-761, 506 | 2 | 14 % | |||||
Glukose | glucose | Traubenzucker | 61 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
Glykosider | glycoside | Glycoside | 30-97 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
gummi | Natural rubber | Gummi | 503-761 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
harpiks | resin | Harz | 61, 503-761, 506 | 3 | 21 % | |||||
Heterosid | Heterosides | - | 61 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
histamin | histamine | Histamin | 61 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
Hydroxy-Kanelsyre | Hydroxycinnamic acids | Hydroxyzimtsäuren | 503-761, 506 | 2 | 14 % | |||||
invertin | Invertase | Invertase | 503-761, 506 | 2 | 14 % | |||||
jern | iron | Eisen | 503-761 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
kaffesyre | caffeic acid | Kaffeesäure | 503-761, 506 | 2 | 14 % | |||||
Kaffesyreforbindelse | caffeic acid compounds | Kaffeesäurerverbindungen | 10-28 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
kalisalte | K Salts | Kalisalz | 61 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
kalium | potassium | Kalium | 503-761 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
kaliumsalt | Potassium salts | Kaliumsalz | 52-295 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
kanelalkohol | Cinnamyl alcohol | Zimtalkohol | 511 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
Kanelsyre | Cinnamic acid | Zimtsäure | 503-761, 506 | 2 | 14 % | |||||
Kiselsyre | Silicic acid | Kieselsäuren | 2-69, 26-236, 30-97 | 3 | 21 % | |||||
Klorogen | Chlorogenin | Chlorogen | 511 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
Klorogensyre | Chlorogenic acid | Chlorogensäure | 61, 503-761, 506 | 3 | 21 % | |||||
kobolt | cobalt | Cobalt | 503-761 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
Krom | Chromium | Chrom | 503-761 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
kumarin | coumarin | Cumarin | 61 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
Lignocerinsyre | Lignoceric acid | Lignocerinsäure | 503-761, 506 | 2 | 14 % | |||||
linolensyre | linolenic acid | Linolensäure | 503-761, 506 | 2 | 14 % | |||||
Linolsyre | linoleic acid | Linolsäure | 503-761, 506 | 2 | 14 % | |||||
Longifolen | Longifolene | Longifolen | 511 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
luteolin | Luteolin | Luteolin | 61, 503-761, 506, 511 | 4 | 28 % | |||||
magnesium | magnesium | Magnesium | 503-761 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
mangan | manganese | Mangan | 503-761 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
mineralsalte | mineral salt | Mineralsalz | 61 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
monoterpener | Monoterpene | Monoterpene | 61 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
natrium | sodium | Natrium | 503-761 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
Neo-Klorogensyre | Neochlorogenic acid | Neo-Chlorogensäure | 503-761, 506 | 2 | 14 % | |||||
Niacin | Niacin | Niacin | 503-761 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
Oleanolicsyre | Oleanolic acid | Oleanolsäure | 52-295, 503-761, 506, 511 | 4 | 28 % | |||||
organisk syre | Organic acid | Organische Säure | 61 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
P-Coumarsyre | P-Coumaric acid | P-Cumarsäure | 503-761, 506 | 2 | 14 % | |||||
pektin | pectin | Pektine | 61 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
Polyfenol | Polyphenol | Polyphenole | 61, 1012-146 | 2 | 14 % | |||||
protein | protein | Protein | 503-761, 506 | 2 | 14 % | |||||
Ravsyre | succinic acid | Bernsteinsäure | 503-761, 506 | 2 | 14 % | |||||
rhamnose | Rhamnose | Rhamnose | 61, 503-761, 506 | 3 | 21 % | |||||
Salicylater | salicylate | Salicylate | 61 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
Salicylsyre | salicylic acid | Salicylsäure | 62, 503-761, 506 | 3 | 21 % | |||||
saponin | saponin | Saponine | 52-295, 61 | 2 | 14 % | |||||
Selen | Selenium | Selen | 503-761 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
silicium | silicon | Silicium | 503-761 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
sitosterol | Sitosterol | Sitosterol | 503-761, 506 | 2 | 14 % | |||||
slim | mucilage | Schleimstoffe | 1-205, 2-69, 10-28, 26-236, 30-97, 52-295, 61, 62, 125-378, 503-761, 506 | 11 | 78 % | |||||
sorbitol | sorbitol | Sorbit | 503-761, 506 | 2 | 14 % | |||||
Stigmasterol | Stigmasterol | Stigmasterin | 511 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
Sukrose | Sucrose | Saccharose | 61, 503-761, 506 | 3 | 21 % | |||||
svovl | Sulfur | Schwefel | 2-69, 61 | 2 | 14 % | |||||
syre | acid | Säure | 61 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
tannin | tannin | Tannine | 30-97, 52-295, 61, 503-761, 506 | 5 | 35 % | |||||
tertasakkarid | Tetrasaccharide | Tetrasaccharide | 10-28 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
trisakkarid | Trisaccharide | Trisaccharide | 10-28 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
triterpen | triterpene | Triterpene | 61 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
tyrosin | Tyrosine | Tyrosin | 503-761, 506 | 2 | 14 % | |||||
ursolsyre | Ursolic acid | Ursolsäure | 61, 503-761, 506 | 3 | 21 % | |||||
vand | water | Wasser | 503-761 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
verbascosid | verbascoside | Verbascosid | 61, 511 | 2 | 14 % | |||||
Vitamin A | Vitamin A | Vitamin A | 52-295, 61 | 2 | 14 % | |||||
Vitamin B1 | Vitamin B1 | Vitamin B1 | 503-761 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
Vitamin B2 | Vitamin B2 | Vitamin B2 | 503-761 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
Vitamin C | Vitamin C | Vitamin C | 10-28, 26-236, 52-295 | 3 | 21 % | |||||
Vitamin K | Vitamin K | Vitamin K | 52-295 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
xylose | Xylose | Xylose | 61, 503-761, 506 | 3 | 21 % | |||||
zink | zinc | Zink | 503-761 | 1 | 7 % | |||||
æterisk olie | essential oil | ätherische Öle | 52-295, 61, 503-761, 506 | 4 | 28 % |