Liber Herbarum Minor (English)
The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine


American blackcurrant



American blackcurrant, Eastern black currant, Wild black currant


Ribes americanum Mill.

Diseases & Uses

Ungrouped Diseases & Uses

Anthelmintic, Anthelmintics, Anti-helminthic, Antihelminthics, antihelmintic, Antiinflammatory, antiinflammatory agent, Asthenia of kidney, disorder of the kidneys, dispel worms, expel worms, General inflammation, General inflammations, helmint, Inflammation, inflammation in general, inflammations, Inflammations in general, Kidney Ailments, kidney complaints, kidney disease, kidney diseases, kidney disorders, kidney problem, kidney problems, Kidney tonic, Kidney treatment, kidney trouble, Nephropathy, Renal disease, Renal disorders, renal problems, treatment for worms, Vermicide, vermifugal, vermifuge, worm, worms

Women's diseases

All women's diseases, feminine disorders, Gynaecological, Gyneacological, Gyneacologycal, Gyneacoloical

Source: LiberHerbarum/Pn4245

Copyright Erik Gotfredsen