Liber Herbarum Minor (English)
The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine


Narrowleaf stoneseed



Borage Family (Boraginaceae)


Narrowleaf stoneseed, Fringed gromwell, Fringed puccoon, Golden puccoon, Gromwell, Narrowleaf gromwell, Narrowleaf puccoon, Narrow-leaved puccoon, Plains stoneseed, Puccoon


Lithospermum incisum Lehm.

Diseases & Uses

Ungrouped Diseases & Uses

Asthenia of kidney, Contraception, contraceptive, disease of the eye, diseases of the respiratory tract, disorder of the kidneys, disorders in the respiratory passages, Eye complaints, Eye disease, eye diseases, good for the stomach, Kidney Ailments, kidney complaints, kidney disease, Kidney diseases, kidney disorders, kidney problem, kidney problems, Kidney tonic, Kidney treatment, kidney trouble, Medicinal, Medicinal herb, medicine, Medicines, Nephropathy, ophthalmic disease, Ophthalmic problems, opthalmic disease, Pectoral, Renal disease, Renal disorders, renal problems, Respiratory affections, Respiratory ailments, respiratory complaints, Respiratory disease, Respiratory diseases, respiratory disorders, respiratory illness, stomach atony, stomach debility, stomachic, stomach lassitude, stomach tonic, Unspecified Medicinal Disorders, Used for medicine, Used medicinally, weak stomach


tea substitute

Other uses

colouring, Dye, Dyeing, Used to dye different types of fibres

Source: LiberHerbarum/Pn3576

Copyright Erik Gotfredsen