Liber Herbarum Minor (English)
The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine


Indian sandalwood



Sandalwoods (Santalaceae)


Indian sandalwood, East indian sandalwood, Sandal, Sandalwood, Sanders, Sandlewood, Santalum album, True sandal wood, White sandalwood


Santalum album LINN., Santalum myrtifolium (L.) Roxb., Sirium myrtifolium L., Santalum album, Santalum album var. myrtifolium Dc., Santalum myrtifolium Roxb., Sirium myrtifolium Rxb (


Essential oil, Heartwood, Oil, Tree, Unspecified, Wood

Diseases & Uses

Ungrouped Diseases & Uses

Acne, Acne vulgaris, All diseases, all kinds of illnesses, Anti-acne, Anti-bacterial, Antibacterial Agent, Anti-Bronchitic, Anti-catarrhal, Anti-dysenteric, Anti-gonorrhea, Antimicrobial, anti-microbial action, Antimicrobial Agent, Antiseptic, Assist healing of wounds, Bactericidal, Bactericide, Bacteriostatic, baktericidal, Blackhead, Bloody flux, Bronchial catarrh, bronchitis, Bronquite, Calmative, Calming of nerves, Catarrh, Catarrhal inflammation, chronically cystitis, Chronic bronchitis, chronic broncitis, clap, cureall, Cutaneous conditions, dermatological, dermatological complaints, Dermatosis, disinfectant, dysentery, Gonorrhea, gonorrhoea, Heal-all, healing, healing cuts, Healing wounds, heal wounds, inflammation of mucous membrane, lack of sexual power, miracle drug, panacea, pimples, promotes healing of wounds, relaxes the nervous system, sedative, Sexual weakness, skin disease, Skin diseases, skin disorders, skin problems in general, soothe, soothes nerves, Soothing, sores, spots, Tranquilizer, Tranquilliser, tranquillizer, Traumatic injury, Used as an antiseptic, Vulnerary, Wound, wound care, wound healing, Wound repair, wounds, Wounds healing, wound treatment

Women's diseases

Leucorrhea, Leucorrhoea, Leukorrhea


Aromatic, Flavor, flavouring

Other uses

Cosmetics, cosmetic use, embalming, Used in cosmetics

TCM - Traditional Chinese medicine

TCM MERIDIAN: Kidney, TCM MERIDIAN: Spleen, TCM MERIDIAN: Stomach, Traditional Chinese medicine, Used in traditional Chinese medicin

Religion, Magic & Witchcraft

burned as incense, Incense

Local (Geographical) use

Phytomedical used in northern India, Phytomedical use in Brazil, Used in Bangladesh


 a-Curcumene, Alanine, Alpha-Terpineol, asparagine, Beta-Curcumene, Beta-Sitosterol, borneol, Citronellol, essential oil, eugenol, Farnesol, fat, fructose, Geraniol, glucose, Guaiacol, Isoeugenol, Isovaleraldehyde, Lactone, linoleic acid, Lysine, O-Cresol, Oleic acid, Palmitic acid, P-Cresol, phenol, Proline, resin, Santalol, santamarine, Serine, Sucrose, tannin, Triacontanol, Α-Farnesene, Β-farnesene

Source: LiberHerbarum/Pn0728

Copyright Erik Gotfredsen