Liber Herbarum Minor (English)
The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine


Strychnine tree





Strychnine tree, Nux-vomica, Nux-vomica tree, Poison nut, Poison nut tree, Quaker buttons, Semen strychnos, Stychnine, Vomiting nut


Strychnos nux-vomica LINN.


Cortex, Nuts, Seed, Unspecified

Diseases & Uses

Ungrouped Diseases & Uses

Aids digestion, Anorexia, Anorexy, Anti-asthmatic, Antidepressant, Antidepressive, Anti-Migraine, Anti-neuralgic, Anxiety, Anxiety disorder, Anxiety disorders, Anxious, Aperient, Appetite stimulant, Appetizer, Appetizing, Asthma, bad digestion, benificial effect on the digestion, cardiac, Cardiac insufficiency, Cardiac tonic, Cardiac trophorestorative, Cardiotonic, catharic, Cathartic, Constipation, Costive, Costiveness, depression, Digestive, Digestive stimulant, digestive trouble, Digestive weakness, dispepsia, Dyschezia, dyspepsia, Dyssynergic defaecation, Eupeptic, Febrile response, fever, feverish condition, Fevers, Freight, Gastric catarrh, Gastritis, Good for digestion, good for the heart, have weak nerves, Heart restorative, heart tonic, improves appetite, improves digestion, inappetence, Increases the appetite, indigestion, insomnia, lack of appetite, laxative, Loss of appetite, low back pain, lumbago, Megrin, Mental fatigue, Migraine, Migraine Headache, movements of the bowel, nausea, Nerve pains, nerve tonic, Nervine, Nervine tonic, Nervous atony, Nervous debility, Nervous exhaustion, Nervous fatigue, Nervous lassitude, Nervousness, Nervous trophorestorative, Neuralgia, Neurasthenia, paralysis, Poor appetite, Poor digestion, Promotes digestion, Purgative, Pyrexia, sciatica, Sciatic neuritis, Sleeplessness, Stimulant to increase appetite, stimulates digestion, stimulate the appetite, suffering from a nervous disorder, Warming digestive, weak nerves

Women's diseases

Dysmennorhoea, Dysmenorrhea, Dysmenorrhoea, Menstrual cramp, Menstrual cramps, Menstrual pain, Pain during menstruation, painful periods, Period pain

Homoeopathically uses

homoeopathically use, Homoeopathically uses


Brings on vomiting, causes vomiting, Convulsant, May cause poisoning

TCM - Traditional Chinese medicine

TCM MERIDIAN: Liver, TCM MERIDIAN: Spleen, Traditional Chinese medicine, Used in traditional Chinese medicin

Local (Geographical) use

Phytomedical used in French Guiana, Phytomedical use in Brazil, Phytomedical use in Vietnam, Used in Bangladesh


 alkaloid, Alpha-amyrin, Arabinose, Arachidic acid, Behenic acid, Brucine, Chlorogenic acid, Chlorogenin, choline, coffee tannic acid, fat, Galactose, Linoleic acid, Loganin, Mannose, Myristic acid, Oleic acid, Palmitic acid, Pseudo-Brucine, Pseudo-Strychnine, Salidroside, Stearic acid, Stigmasterol, Strychnine, Sulfuric acid, tannin, Xylose

Source: LiberHerbarum/Pn0684

Copyright Erik Gotfredsen