Liber Herbarum Minor (English)
The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine


Common broom



Common broom, Besom, Broom, English broom, European broom, Green broom, Hogweed, Irish broom, Irish tops, Scoparium, Scot’s broom, Scotch, Scotch broom, Scot's broom, Yellow broom


Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link., Sarothamnus scoparius (L.) Wimm. ex W.D.J.Koch, Spartium scoparium L., Sarothamnus scoparius Koch., Spartium scoparium, Spartium scoparius L., Cytisus scoparius LINN.


Blossom, Branch ends, Flowering tops, Plant, Sap, Tops, Unspecified

Diseases & Uses

Ungrouped Diseases & Uses

Abnormal heart beat, Angina pectoris, Antiarrhythmic, Antiarrythmic, Antidote for snake bite, antidote to snakebites, Aperient, Arrhythmia, Arrhytmia, cardiac, Cardiac arrhythmia, cardiac conditions, Cardiac diseases, Cardiac dysrhythmia, cardiac irregularities, cardiac problems, cardiac stimulant, Cardiac tonic, Cardiac trophorestorative, Cardiac troubles, Cardiospasm, Cardiotonic, Cardiovascular, Cardiovascular disease, Cardiovascular diseases, catharic, Cathartic, disorder of the heart, Diuretic, emetic, good for the heart, heart complaints, heart conditions, heart disease, Heart diseases, heart disorder, heart disorders, heart irregularities, heart problems, Heart restorative, heart stimulant, heart tonic, heart trouble, induce vomiting, inflammation of kidneys, inflammation of the kidney, Irregular heartbeat, Kidney infection, kidney infections, Kidney inflammation, Kidney inflammations, laxative, movements of the bowel, Narrows blood vessels, nephritis, neutralise adder poison, Neutralizes snake poison, Poisonous snake bites, Purgative, renal pyelitis, Snake Poison Antidote, strenghten heartbeat, vomitive


do not self-administer, May cause poisoning, Not suitable for pregnant women, Poison, Poisonous, should not be taken when pregnant, Toxic


Coffee substitute, Condiment, culinary, culinary herb, Spice, Substitute for coffee, used as a coffee additive

Other uses

against lice, colouring, Dye, Dyeing, Lice, Louse, Pediculicide, Used to dye different types of fibres, Used to treat lice (Pediculus humanus capitus)

TCM - Traditional Chinese medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine, Used in traditional Chinese medicin

Religion, Magic & Witchcraft

Magic, magic power, magic use, Witchcraft, Witchery

Local (Geographical) use

Phytomedical use in Brazil


 Aesculetin, alkaloid, amine, ash, Beta-Sitosterol, cytisine, Dopamine, essential oil, fat, flavo-Glycoside, flavonoid, Flavoxanthin, Furfural, Genistein, hyperoside, Isoflavones, L-Dopa, linoleic acid, Lupanine, Luteolin, Poison, protein, Quercetin, Quercetin glycosides, Quinolizidine, Scoparin, sparteine, Tannic acid, tannin, Tanning agents, tyramine, Vitexin, xanthophylls

Source: LiberHerbarum/Pn0250

Copyright Erik Gotfredsen