|  |
Ser.nr. | 0642 |
 | Vitex agnus-castus L. | | | | | Vitex agnus=castus L. | 5000, 38, 46, 47-235, 61, 200-2823, 226, 244, 253, 503-1067, 504, 508, 513, 998, 1015-88, 1018-48, 2003-4427 | | Vitex agnus castus | 62, 227, 236, 0, 30-124, 36-15, 250, 508 | | Vitex agnus=castus L., | 508 | | Vitex agnus=castus | 15-95, 46, 65, 506, 1007-106, 0, 23-88, 26-18, 32-90, 39-285, 82, 222, 223, 224, 230, 239, 240, 243, 246, 253, 254, 504, 508 | | Vitex agnuscastus | 511, 510 | | Vitex agnus-castus | 56-121 |
 | Kyskhedstræ | | | | | Kyskhedstræ | 23-88, 30-124, 32-90, 46, 56-121, 200-2823, 250, 504 |
 | Vitex Abraham’s-bush / Abraham's balm / Agnus castus / Chaste berry / Chaste tree / Chasteberry / Chastetree / Gatillier / Hemp tree / Lilac chastetree / Monks pepper / Monk's pepper / Monk's pepper tree / Vitex agnus-castus | | | | | Vitex | 0, 46, 504, 508 | | Abraham’s=bush | 508 | | Abraham's balm | 504 | | Agnus castus | 38, 46, 508 | | Agnus=castus | 39-285, 508 | | Chaste berry | 36-15 | | Chaste tree | 0, 26-18, 36-15, 39-285, 46, 230, 254, 504, 508 | | Chaste=tree | 82, 253, 503-1067 | | Chasteberry | 0, 39-285, 46, 62, 226, 504, 508 | | Chastetree | 56-121, 62 | | Gatillier | 46 | | Hemp tree | 46, 508 | | Lilac chastetree | 0, 46, 508 | | Monks pepper | 508 | | Monk's pepper | 0, 39-285, 504 | | Monk's pepper tree | 46 | | Vitex agnus=castus | 0 |
 | Mönchspfeffer Abrahams baum / Abrahamstrauch / Keuschbaum / Keuschlamm / Keuschlammstrauch / Tanis | | | | | Mönchspfeffer | 65, 0, 46, 223, 230, 243, 504, 508 | | Abrahams baum | 508 | | Abrahamstrauch | 508 | | Keuschbaum | 46, 223, 243, 504, 508 | | Keuschlamm | 46, 62, 504, 508 | | Keuschlammstrauch | 508 | | Tanis | 504 |
 | Agnus castus / Kyskhetsträd / Munkpeppar / Munkört | | | | | Agnus castus | 46 | | Kyskhetsträd | 46, 508, 998 | | Munkpeppar | 46, 250 | | Munk-peppar | 36-15 | | Munkört | 36-15, 46, 250 |
 | Kyskhetstre Agnocasto / Munkepepper | | | | | Kyskhetstre | 46, 504 | | Agnocasto | 46 | | Munkepepper | 46 |
 | Munkapipar | | | | | Munkapipar | 46 |
 | Siveydenpuu Munkinpippuri | | | | | Siveydenpuu | 46, 504 | | Munkinpippuri | 46 |
 | Arbre au poivre Agneau chaste / Gattelier / Gattilier / Gattilier agneau-chaste / Gattilier commun / Petit poivre / Piment de moins / Poivre sauvage | | | | | Arbre au poivre | 0, 504, 508 | | Agneau chaste | 508 | | Agneau=chaste | 230 | | Gattelier | 508 | | Gattilier | 0, 504, 508 | | Gattilier agneau=chaste | 46 | | Gattilier commun | 508 | | Petit poivre | 508 | | Piment de moins | 508 | | Poivre sauvage | 508 |
 | Niepokalanek pospolity | | | | | Niepokalanek pospolity | 246, 504 |
 | Monnikspeper Kuisboom / Kuisboom of monnikspeper / Kuisheidsboom / Monnikenpeper | | | | | Monnikspeper | 0, 504 | | Kuisboom | 244 | | Kuisboom of monnikspeper | 508 | | Kuisheidsboom | 504 | | Monnikenpeper | 508 |
 | Agno-casto Aino / Lágano | | | | | Agno=casto | 508 | | Agnocasto | 504, 508 | | Aino | 508 | | Lágano | 508 |
 | Vitex Agno-casto / Agno-puro / Anho-casto / Árvore-da-castidade / Pimenteiro-silvestre | | | | | Vitex | 504 | | Agno=casto | 504 | | Agno=puro | 504 | | Anho=casto | 504 | | Árvore=da=castidade | 504 | | Pimenteiro=silvestre | 504 |
 | Agno casto / Ajerobo / Gatillo casto / Hierba de la castidad / Jorobo / Pimentera / Sauzgatillo / Zausgatillo | | | | | Agno casto | 508 | | Ajerobo | 508 | | Gatillo casto | 2003-4427, 508 | | Hierba de la castidad | 2003-4427, 508 | | Jorobo | 508 | | Pimentera | 2003-4427 | | Sauzgatillo | 46, 239, 508 | | Zausgatillo | 2003-4427 |
 | Harilik mungapipar | | | | | Harilik mungapipar | 240 |
 | Barátcserje Illatos barátcserje / Szűzbariska / Ürüfa | | | | | Barátcserje | 0, 47-235, 504 | | Illatos barátcserje | 236 | | Szűzbariska | 236 | | Ürüfa | 236 |
 | Drmek obecný | | | | | Drmek obecný | 227, 508 |
 | Agno casto | | | | | Agno casto | 508 | | Agnocasto | 61 |
 | 穗花牡荆 | | | | | 穗花牡荆 | 224, 504, 508 |
 | Ви́текс свяще́нный Авраа́мово де́рево / Ви́текс обыкнове́нный / Прутня́к обыкнове́нный | | | | | Ви́текс свяще́нный | 504 | | Авраа́мово де́рево | 504 | | Ви́текс обыкнове́нный | 504 | | Прутня́к обыкнове́нный | 504 |
 | セイヨウニンジンボク せいようにんじんぼく | | | | | セイヨウニンジンボク | 504 | | せいようにんじんぼく | 222 |
 | پنجانگشت | | | | | پنجانگشت | 504 |
 | Konopljika navadna / Navadna konopljika | | | | | Konopljika navadna | 508 | | Navadna konopljika | 508 |
 | كف مريم توت العفة / كف مريم الضيق البسيط | | | | | كف مريم | 504 | | توت العفة | 508 | | كف مريم الضيق البسيط | 504 |
 | Λυγαριά Αγνιά / Αγνία / Αγνός / Αγνός ο λυγός / Αλυγαριά / Βίτεξ ο άγνος / Δέντρο της αγνότητας / Καναπίτσα / Κουνουπίτσα / Λυγαρια / Λυγιά / Λύγος / Μερόλια / Μυριτζιά | | | | | Λυγαριά | 0, 82, 504, 508 | | Αγνιά | 82 | | Αγνία | 508 | | Αγνός | 508 | | Αγνός ο λυγός | 82 | | Αλυγαριά | 508 | | Βίτεξ ο άγνος | 508 | | Δέντρο της αγνότητας | 508 | | Καναπίτσα | 508 | | Κουνουπίτσα | 508 | | Λυγαρια | 0 | | Λυγιά | 508 | | Λύγος | 508 | | Μερόλια | 508 | | Μυριτζιά | 82 |
 | שיח-אברהם מצוי שיח אברהם | | | | | שיח=אברהם מצוי | 0, 504 | | שיח אברהם | 508 |
 | Hayıt Ayid / Ayit / Ayıt / Besparmakagacı | | | | | Hayıt | 0, 504, 508 | | Ayid | 0, 508 | | Ayit | 0, 508 | | Ayıt | 508 | | Besparmakagacı | 0, 508 |
 | Конопљика Аврамово дрво / Витекс / Монахов бибер | | | | | Конопљика | 504, 0 | | Аврамово дрво | 504, 0 | | Витекс | 504, 0 | | Монахов бибер | 504, 0 |
 | Konopljika Avramovo drvo / Monahov biber / Viteks | | | | | Konopljika | 0 | | Avramovo drvo | 0 | | Monahov biber | 0 | | Viteks | 0 |
 | Կուսածառ սովորական | | | | | Կուսածառ սովորական | 504 |
 | ⴰⵏⴳⴰⵔⴼ | | | | | ⴰⵏⴳⴰⵔⴼ | 0 |
 | Angarf | | | | | Angarf | 1007-106 |
 | Aloc Agnocast / Alís / Arbre de sant josep / Herba de la castedat / Herba de les xinxes / Mata de riu / Pebre bord / Pebre foll d'espanya / Ximbla | | | | | Aloc | 2003-4427, 504 | | Agnocast | 2003-4427, 504 | | Alís | 2003-4427, 504 | | Arbre de sant josep | 2003-4427, 504 | | Herba de la castedat | 2003-4427, 504 | | Herba de les xinxes | 504 | | Mata de riu | 504 | | Pebre bord | 2003-4427, 504 | | Pebre foll d'espanya | 504 | | Ximbla | 2003-4427, 504 |
 | Аврамове дерево Вітекс священний | | | | | Аврамове дерево | 504 | | Вітекс священний | 513 |
 | 15-95, 23-88, 26-18, 30-124, 32-90, 36-15, 38, 39-285, 46, 47-235, 56-121, 61, 62, 65, 82, 200-2823, 222, 223, 224, 226, 227, 230, 236, 239, 240, 243, 244, 246, 250, 253, 254, 503-1067, 504, 506, 508, 510, 511, 513, 998, 1007-106, 1015-88, 1018-48, 2003-4427, 5000 |