| | | | Preparation | Use |
| Hypericum connatum | | | Extractum | |
| | betændelse i mundslimhinden | Hele planten | Ekstrakt | udvortes |
| | inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth | Entire plant | Extract | Externally |
| | Entzündung der Mundschleimhaut | Ganze Pflanze | Ausgezogen | Äusserlichen Gebrauch |
| | inflammation i mundhålans slemhinnor | Hel växt | Extrakt | Utvärtes |
| | betennelse i munnens slimhinner | Hele planten | Ekstrakt | Utvortes |
| | bólgur í slímhimnu í munni | | | Útvortis |
| | | Plante entière | Extrait | Usage externe |
| | | | ekstrakt | Zewnętrzny |
| | | | Extractie | |
| | | tutta la pianta | Infusione | Uso esterno |
| | | | Infusão | Uso extermo |
| | | | Infusión | |
| | | | Tõmmis | |
| | Stomatitida | Celá rostlina | Extrakt | Zevnì |
| | | | | Útvortis |
| Orelha-de-gato | Estomatite | planta toda | Extrato | Uso extermo |
| | | | Tangeq qalaataq | |
| | | | Экстракт | |
| | 口内炎 | | エキス | |
| | | | چکانش | |
| | | | infuz | |
| | | | Έγχυμα | |
| | | | Infuzaĵo | |
| | | | Extret | Per ús extern |
| 60-971 |