| | | | Preparation | Use |
| Virola surinamensis | | Cortex | decoctum | |
| | betændelse i mundslimhinden | Bark | Afkog | udvortes |
| Baboonwood | inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth | Cortex | decoction | Externally |
| | Entzündung der Mundschleimhaut | Rinde | Abkochung | Äusserlichen Gebrauch |
| Virola | inflammation i mundhålans slemhinnor | Bark | Avkok | Utvärtes |
| | betennelse i munnens slimhinner | Bark | Avkok | Utvortes |
| | bólgur í slímhimnu í munni | Börkur | | Útvortis |
| Guyananvirola | | Kaarna | | |
| | | Cortex écore | Décoction | Usage externe |
| | | Kora | Dekokcja | Zewnętrzny |
| Baboen | | Schors | Afkooksel | |
| | | Corteccia | Decotto | Uso esterno |
| Ucuúba | | Córtex | Decocção | Uso extermo |
| | | Corteza | decocción | |
| | | Borka | dekoktum | |
| Surinami luulupuu | | Puukoor | | |
| | | Kéreg | | |
| | Stomatitida | Kůra stromu | Dekokt | Zevnì |
| | | | | Útvortis |
| Árvore-de-sebo | Estomatite | casca da árvore | Decocção | Uso extermo |
| | | Ameraq | | |
| | | (果實及莖的 | 汤剂 | |
| | | | tāngjì | |
| | | Кора | Декоктум | |
| | 口内炎 | 樹皮 | 煎じ薬 | |
| ویرلا سورینامنیسیس | | پوست درخت | جوشاندن | |
| | | Lubje | Prevretek | |
| | | لحاء | الإستخلاص بالإغلاء | |
| | | | αφέψημα | |
| | | coirt | | |
| | | mantar doku | | |
| | | ŝelo | dekokto | |
| | | paʻu | | |
| | | বাকল | | |
| | | Կեղև | | |
| | | Escorça | Decocció | Per ús extern |
| | | Кора рослин | Відвар | |
| 60-1490 |