Updated: 08-09-2020 09:05:40
| | | | Preparation | Use |
| Sonchus oleraceus | | | Extractum | |
| Almindelig svinemælk | øjensvækkelse | Hele planten | Ekstrakt | indvortes brug |
| Common sow thistle | weakness of the eyes | Entire plant | Extract | Internally |
| Gemüse-gänsedistel | Augenschwäche | Ganze Pflanze | Ausgezogen | Innerlichen Anwendung |
| Mjölktistel | | Hel växt | Extrakt | Invärtes |
| Haredylle | Øyenstyrkende | Hele planten | Ekstrakt | Innvortes |
| Gyltufífill | veikindi | | | Innvortis |
| Kaalivalvatti | | | | |
| Laiteron maraicher | | Plante entière | Extrait | Usage interne |
| Mlecz zwyczajny | | | ekstrakt | |
| Gewone melkdistel | | | Extractie | Inwendig gebruik |
| Grespino comune | | tutta la pianta | Infusione | Uso interno |
| Serralha | | | Infusão | Uso interno |
| Cerraja | | | Infusión | Interno |
| Mlieč zelinný | | | | |
| Harilik piimohakas | | | Tõmmis | |
| Szelíd csorbóka | | | | |
| Mléč zelinný | Slabost očí | Celá rostlina | Extrakt | Vnitřnì |
| Serralha | Fraqueza ocular | planta toda | Extrato | Uso interno |
| | | | Tangeq qalaataq | iisartakkat |
| 苦苣菜 | | | | |
| Осот огородный | | | Экстракт | |
| ノゲシ | 目の疲れ | | エキス | |
| شیرتیغک معمولی | | | چکانش | |
| Navadna škrbinka | | | infuz | |
| تفاف زيتي | | | | |
| Ζοχός | | | Έγχυμα | |
| Bleachtán mín | | | | |
| מרור הגינות | | | | |
| Ordinara sonko | | | Infuzaĵo | |
| Llaethysgallen lefn | | | | |
| | | | | totonu |
| Longolongo‘uha | | | | |
| Lletsó d'hort | | | Extret | Per ús intern |
| Жовтий осот городній | | | | |
| 60-602 |