Plant |
English |
Milkweed, Tropical milkweed, Annual milkweed, Bastard-ipecac, Bastard ipecacuanha, Bloodflower, Bloodflower milkweed, Bloodroot, Butterfly weed, Cotton bush, Hierba de la cucaracha, Ipecacuanha, Mexican butterfly weed, Milk weed, Red cottonweed, Redhead, Scarlet milkweed, Wild ipecacuanha |
Latin |
Asclepias curassavica L., Asclepias aurantiaca Salisb., Asclepias bicolor Moench, Asclepias cubensis Wenderoth, Asclepias curassavica var. concolor Krug & Urb., Asclepias margaritacea Hoffmannsegg ex Schult, Asclepias nivea var. curassavica (L.) Kuntze, Asclepias curassavica |
Plantparts | Bark, Blossom, Cortex, Entire plant, Flower, foliage, Grass, Latex from leaves, Latex of Stems, Leaf, Milky juice, Plant juice, Root, Sap, Unspecified, Whole plant |
Diseases & Uses |
rheumatism, Anti-Rheumatic, arthritis, Rheumatic disorder |
Plantparts | Methods of Preparation | Methods of Use |
foliage | Extracted in oil | Not specified |
Roots | Extracted in oil | Not specified |