Liber Herbarum Minor (English)
The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine


Milkweed ↔ rheumatism



Milkweed, Tropical milkweed, Annual milkweed, Bastard-ipecac, Bastard ipecacuanha, Bloodflower, Bloodflower milkweed, Bloodroot, Butterfly weed, Cotton bush, Hierba de la cucaracha, Ipecacuanha, Mexican butterfly weed, Milk weed, Red cottonweed, Redhead, Scarlet milkweed, Wild ipecacuanha


Asclepias curassavica L., Asclepias aurantiaca Salisb., Asclepias bicolor Moench, Asclepias cubensis Wenderoth, Asclepias curassavica var. concolor Krug & Urb., Asclepias margaritacea Hoffmannsegg ex Schult, Asclepias nivea var. curassavica (L.) Kuntze, Asclepias curassavica


Bark, Blossom, Cortex, Entire plant, Flower, foliage, Grass, Latex from leaves, Latex of Stems, Leaf, Milky juice, Plant juice, Root, Sap, Unspecified, Whole plant

Diseases & Uses

rheumatism, Anti-Rheumatic, arthritis, Rheumatic disorder


Methods of Preparation

Methods of Use

foliageExtracted in oilNot specified
RootsExtracted in oilNot specified
Source: LiberHerbarum/XPn7332Sn0180

Copyright Erik Gotfredsen