Plant |
Family | Acanthus Family (Acanthaceae) |
English |
Minnieroot, Fever root, Sheep potato, Snapdragon root |
Latin |
Ruellia tuberosa L., Ruellia clandestina L., Ruellia tuberosa, Ruellia clandestina |
Plantparts | Corm, Entire plant, foliage, Roots, Unspecified |
Diseases & Uses |
kidney diseases, disorder of the kidneys, Asthenia of kidney, Kidney Ailments, kidney complaints, kidney disease, kidney disorders, kidney problem, kidney problems, Kidney tonic, Kidney treatment, kidney trouble, Nephropathy, Renal disease, Renal disorders, renal problems |
Plantparts | Methods of Preparation | Methods of Use |
- | - | Not specified |
Roots | Extract | Not specified |