Plant |
Family | Apocynaceae |
English |
Frangipani, Common frangipani, Common white frangipani, Frangipani pink, Frangipani plant, Frangipani red, Hong-ji-dan-hua, Pagoda tree, Plumeria, Red frangipani, Red-jasmine, Red paucipan, Templetree |
Latin |
Plumeria rubra L., Plumeria acutifolia Poir., Plumeria rubra, Plumeria acutifolia, Plumeria rubra var. acutifolia, Plumiera acutifolia Poir., Plumierea rubra var. acutifolia |
Plantparts | ** Together with another plant, foliage, Latex of Stems, Leaf, Root cortex, stem cortex, Unspecified |
Diseases & Uses |
Respiratory disease, Respiratory diseases, diseases of the respiratory tract, disorders in the respiratory passages, Pectoral, Respiratory affections, Respiratory ailments, respiratory complaints, respiratory disorders, respiratory illness |
Plantparts | Methods of Preparation | Methods of Use |
- | - | Not specified |