Plant |
Family | Heath family (Ericaceae) |
English |
Bog labrador tea, Common labrador-tea, Labrador-tea |
Latin |
Rhododendron groenlandicum (Oeder) Kron & Judd, Ledum groenlandicum Oeder, Ledum latifolium JACQ., Rhododendron groenlandicum (O. F. Müll.) Kron & Judd, Ledum groenlandicum Oeder., Ledum latifolium, Ledum palustre ssp. groenlandicum |
Plantparts | Leaf, Tops |
Diseases & Uses |
Respiratory disease, Respiratory diseases, diseases of the respiratory tract, disorders in the respiratory passages, Pectoral, Respiratory affections, Respiratory ailments, respiratory complaints, respiratory disorders, respiratory illness |
Plantparts | Methods of Preparation | Methods of Use |
- | - | Not specified |