Liber Herbarum Minor (English)
The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine


Elder ↔ Respiratory disease



Elder, Black elder, Black elderberry, Blue elderberry, Bore tree, Bour tree, Common elder, Common elderberry, Danewort, Elderberry, Elder bush, Elderflower, European, European alder, European black elder, European black elderberry, European elder, European elderberry, European elderflower, Pipe tree, Sambu, Sambucus nigra, Tree of medicine, Tree of music, Woody elder


Sambucus nigra Linne


Bark, Berry-juice, Blossom, Bough, Bud, Cortex, Flower, foliage, Fresh leaves, Fruit, Leaf, Marrow, Root, Unspecified

Diseases & Uses

Respiratory disease, Respiratory diseases, diseases of the respiratory tract, disorders in the respiratory passages, Pectoral, Respiratory affections, Respiratory ailments, respiratory complaints, respiratory disorders, respiratory illness


Methods of Preparation

Methods of Use

--Not specified
Source: LiberHerbarum/XPn0093Sn0163

Copyright Erik Gotfredsen