Plant |
English |
Goldenrod, Blue mountain tea, Denrod, European goldenrod, European goldenrod great goldenrod, European gosweet, Golden root, Solidago virgaurea, Sweet scented golden rod, Woudnwort, Woundwort, Aaron's rod |
Latin |
Solidago virgaurea Linne, Solidago virga-aurea Anon., Solidago virgaurea L. s.str., Solidago virga aurea, Solidago virguarea |
Plantparts | Aerial part, Blossom, Flowering herb, Flowering plant, foliage, Herb, Leaf, Roots, Unspecified, Whole herb |
Diseases & Uses |
rheumatism, Anti-Rheumatic, arthritis, Rheumatic disorder |
Plantparts | Methods of Preparation | Methods of Use |
- | - | Not specified |
Flowering herb | - | Not specified |
Unspecified | Not specified | - |