Liber Herbarum Minor (English)
The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine


St john's wort ↔ rheumatism



St john's wort, Amber, Aron's bread, Common st. johnswort, Common st. john's-wort, Common st john’s-wort, Common st john's wort, Goatweed, Hardhay, Hypericum, Klamathweed, Perforated st. john's wort, Perforated st john's-wort, Perforate st. john's-wort, Perforate st. jonhn's wort, Perforate st john’s-wort, Perforate st johns wort, Perforate st john's-wort, Saint john’s wort, St. john’s wart, St. johnswort, St.john's wort, St johns wort, Tipton's weed


Hypericum perforatum Linne


Aerial part, All parts, Blossom, Flower-bud, Flowering herb, Flowering tops, Flowers bud, foliage, Grass, Leaf, Oil, Unspecified, Whole herb and root

Diseases & Uses

rheumatism, Anti-Rheumatic, arthritis, Rheumatic disorder


Methods of Preparation

Methods of Use

--Not specified
Source: LiberHerbarum/XPn0009Sn0180

Copyright Erik Gotfredsen