Liber Herbarum Minor (English)
The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine


Diseases & Uses U

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Ud Ul Un Up Ur Us Ut Uv
uddres, Veterinary: sore
ulcer, ankle
ulcer, Cancerous
ulcer, Corneal
ulcer, Duodenal
ulcer, gastric
ulcer, Gastroduodenal
ulceration, Venous insufficiency
ulcerative colitis, Promotes healing of intestinal lesions in
Ulcerous sores
Ulcers of duodenum
Ulcers, Cancerous
ulcers, Decubitus
ulcers, Digestive
ulcers, Duodenal
ulcers, Heals
ulcers, homoeopathy: stomach
ulcers, Indolent
ulcers, Mouth
Ulcers, Oral
ulcers, Pressure
ulcers, skin
ulcers, Soothes
ulcers, Stasis
ulcers, Stomach
ulcers, Syphilitic
ulcers, throat
ulcers, Varicose
ulcers, Venous
Ulcus cruris
unclean boils
uneasiness, can cause
unproductive coughs, Dry and
Unspecified Medicinal Disorders
Unstable fetus
up of blood, vomiting, or coughing
up, Pick-me
up, Throwing
upset stomach
upset, digestive
Urease Inhibitor
urethra, catarrh of the
urethra, Inflammation of the
Urethral calculi
uric acid in the urine, Increase the excretion of
uric-acid levels, Decreases
urinary & nephrological
Urinary antiseptic
Urinary bladder disease
Urinary bladder inflammation
urinary bladder, infections in the
urinary calculus
Urinary diseases
urinary diseases, antiinflammatory agent in
urinary disorders
Urinary incontinence
urinary infection
urinary infections
Urinary inflammation
Urinary inflammations
urinary mucous membranes, catarrhal infections of the
urinary organs, infection of the
Urinary pains
urinary pains, Cramp-like
urinary passage, disorders of the
urinary passage, inflammation of the
urinary passages, Infection in the
urinary problems
urinary problems, Homoeopathy:
Urinary retention
urinary stones
urinary sugar
urinary system, Acts on the
urinary system, complaints of
urinary system, inflammation conditions of the
urinary system, Inflammation of
urinary system, problems in the
Urinary tract ailments
Urinary tract infection
urinary tract infection
urinary tract, Astringent to
urinary tract, chronically inflammation of
urinary tract, homoeopathy: trouble with the
urinary tract, infections in the
urinary tract, inflammation of
urinary tract, stones in the
Urinary trophorestorative
Urinary trouble, Genito
Urinary trouble, Genito-
Urinary-tract diseases
urination at night, Excessive
urination, Difficult
urination, Involuntary
urination, Painful
urine is highly coloured, When females
urine retention
urine, Blood in
urine, Blood in the
urine, causes acid in
urine, Discharge of
urine, Dripping
urine, increase flow of
urine, Increase the excretion of uric acid in the
urine, involuntary discharge of
urine, Removing acid from the
urine, retention of
urine, Stimulates
urine, sugar in
urine, sugar in the
urine, supression of
urological & nephrological
urological and nephrological
urticaria, Homoeopathy:
use in Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao, Phytomedical
use in Belize, Phytomedical
use in Brazil, Phytomedical
use in Central America, Phytomedical
use in China, Phytomedical
use in Costa Rica, Phytomedical
use in Cyprus, Phytomedical
use in El Salvador, Phytomedical
use in Greece, Phytomedical
use in Guatemala, Phytomedical
use in Honduras, Phytomedical
use in Korea, Phytomedical
use in Mexico, Phytomedical
use in Nepal, Phytomedical
use in Nicaragua, Phytomedical
use in Panama, Phytomedical
use in Peru, Phytomedical
use in Samoa, Phytomedical
use in the Guianas (Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana), Phytomedical
use in Vietnam, Phytomedical
use may cause constipation, Prolonged
use may cause poisoning, Prolonged
use, Aromatherapeutic
use, Ceremonially
use, cosmetic
use, homoeopathically
use, magic
use, magical or religious
use, No folk medical
use, no folk medicinal
use, No medical
use, no medicinal
use, Plant is mentioned without indication for
use, Religious
use, Veterinary
used as a coffee additive
Used as a stimulant
Used as an antiseptic
Used as fish poisons
Used as timber
used at the island Soqotra, Yemen, Phytomedical
used by patients having weak stomach, Should not be
used by Ribeirinhos in the North Araguaia microregion, Mato Grosso, Brazil, Phytomedical
used by Tashelhit speaking community in the High Atlas, Morocco, Phytomedical
Used for medicine
Used for timber
Used in Bachs Flower Remedies
Used in Bangladesh
used in Bulgaria, Phytomedical
used in Chaoshan, China, Phytomedical
Used in cosmetics
used in French Guiana, Phytomedical
used in Fujian, China, Phytomedical
used in Israel, the Golan Heights and the West Bank region, Phytomedical
used in Japan, Phytomedical
used in La Paz and El Alto, Bolivia, Phytomedical
used in Manoor Valley, Northern Pakistan, Phytomedical
used in Northeastern Brazil, Phytomedical
used in northern India, Phytomedical
used in Phnom Penh area, Cambodia, Phytomedical
used in Purulia district, West Bengal, India, Phytomedical
Used in Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo
used in Sarban Hills, Abbotabad, KP, Pakistan, Phytomedical
used in Showbak, Jordan, Phytomedical
used in southeastern Morocco (Errachidia province), Phytomedical
used in Taiwan, China, Phytomedical
used in Tamil Nadu, India, Phytomedical
used in the Argentinian highlands (Puna), Phytomedical
used in the south of Kerman, Iran, Phytomedical
Used in the treatment of anaemia
Used in the treatment of anemia
Used in the treatment of cough
Used in the treatment of liver disorders
Used in the treatment of snake bites
Used in traditional Chinese medicin
Used in Traditional Japanese Kampo Medicine
used in West Bank, Palestine, Phytomedical
Used like mustard
Used medicinally
used on Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Phytomedical
Used to alleviate muscle spasms
Used to dye different types of fibres
Used to treat lice (Pediculus humanus capitus)
uses, Homoeopathically
usually in children, Enteritis,
Uterine and ovarian inflammation
uterine bleeding
uterine bleeding, Functional
uterine cancer
Uterine fibroids
Uterine haemorrhage
Uterine hemorrhage
Uterine infection
Uterine inflammation
Uterine leiomyomas
Uterine pain
Uterine Problems
Uterine tonic
uterus after birth, contracts
Uterus and ovary infection
Uterus infection
Uterus problems
Uterus strengthening
Uterus wound
uterus, Atony of
uterus, Cleansing after operation of the
uterus, discharge from the
uterus, Diseases of
uterus, Inflammation of the inner lining of the
uterus, pain in the
uterus, Pain of the
uterus, prolapse of the
uterus, stimulating effect on
uterus, stops bleeding of the
uterus, Strengthener
uterus, Strengthens the
uveitis, Chronic
Ud Ul Un Up Ur Us Ut Uv
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Copyright Erik Gotfredsen