Liber Herbarum Minor (English)
The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine


Diseases & Uses T

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Ta Tb Tc Te Th Ti To Tr Tu Tw Ty
Taiwan, China, Phytomedical used in
take the heat out of nettle sting
taken during lactation, Skould not be
taken if to much stomach acid, Should not be
taken when pregnant, should not be
Takes away desire for alcohol
Tamil Nadu, India, Phytomedical used in
Tapeworm infestation
tapeworm, intestinal
Tashelhit speaking community in the High Atlas, Morocco, Phytomedical used by
taste corrigent
taste, Improves
TB, Pulmonary tuberculosis
TCM MERIDIAN: Gallbladder
TCM MERIDIAN: Large Intestine
TCM MERIDIAN: Small Intestine
TCM: Cool the blood
TCM: Heat-clearing
TCM: Liver heat
TCM: Lung fire
TCM: Lung heat
TCM: Nourish kidney
TCM: Nourish liver
TCM: Nourish yin
TCM: Relieve dampness
TCM: Swollen poison
TCM: Tonify kidney
tea substitute
Tea, Pectoral
tears, brings on
teeth cleaning
Teeth Cleanser
teeth powder
teeth, loose
teeth, loosening of
teeth, loosening of the
Teething in children
Teething trouble
teething, childrens
Tennis elbow
tension, Homoeopathy: nervous
tension, Muscel
tension, nervous
tension, Premenstrual
tension, reduces muscular
tensive, Hyper
testicle inflammations
Testicular pain
textile, production of
that live on the outside of the host, Parasites
the afterbirth, expel
the alimentary canal, spasm like conditions of
the alimentary canal, spasms of
the appetite, Increases
the appetite, stimulate
the appetite, supress
the Argentinian highlands (Puna), Phytomedical used in
the arteries, Hardening of
the arteries, hardning of
the arteries, Homoeopathy: Hardening of
the arteries, Homoeopathy: hardning of
the arteries, prevents hardning of
the bile ducts, stimulates
the bile secretion, increase
the bile, cleansing
the bile, Disdorders of
the biliary tract, homoeopathy: trouble with
the bladder, cancer of
the bladder, catarrh of
the bladder, disease of
the bladder, expels the slimy fluids from
the bladder, good for
the bladder, inflammation of
the bladder, Spasm of
the bladder, Weakness of
the blood coagulate, makes
the blood pressure, Not good for
the blood sugar, lowering
the blood, Biulds acid in
the blood, Cleanses
the blood, disease of
the blood, Disorders of
the blood, Good for
the blood, High levels of cholesterol in
the blood, Homoeopathy: Restores
the blood, lower cholesterol levels in
the blood, Prevents clotting of
the blood, Problems of
the blood, purify
the blood, Restores
the blood, TCM: Cool
the blood, to cleanse
the blood, To thin
the body and the legs, Numbness in the lower part of
the body and the legs, Tiredness in the lower part of
the body, hard swelling on any part of
the body, removes heavy metals from
the bones, Brittleness of
the bones, Pain in
the bowel, movements of
the bowels, Astringent tonic for
the bowels, Purifies
the brain, concussion of
the brain, disease of
the breast, inflammation conditions of
the breath, sweeten
the bursa, Inflammation of
the central nervous system, calm
the central nervous system, homoeopathy: disorders in
the central nervous system, Stimulant to
the chest, Feeling of constriction in
the chest, Irritation of
the chest, Mucus in
the chest, pain in
the circulatory system, damage to
the circulatory system, Diseases of
the circulatory system, good for
the colon, Inflammation of
the color of the hair, Enhance
the complexion, improve
the conjunctiva, Powerfull irritant of
the digestion, benificial effect on
the digestive glands, stimulates
the digestive organs, disease of
the digestive organs, disorders in
the digestive system, disorders of
the digestive system, good for
the digestive system, soothing effect on
the digestive tract, Inflammation of
the digestive tract, Inflammations of
the ear, disease of
the ear, inflammation of
the ears, Buzzing in
the elderly, Strengthening for
the endometrium, Inflammation of
the excretion of uric acid in the urine, Increase
the eye, Catarachs of
the eye, disease of
the eye, Enlarges the pupil of
the eye, pain in
the eyelids, inflammation of
the eyes, Cleansing
the eyes, inflammation of
the eyes, weakness of
the feet, Pain in
the feet, Rheumatism in
the fingers, sores on
the flatulence caused by beans, counterreacts
the flesh, supress desires of
the flow of bile, Stimulates
the flow of milk in cattle, Veterinary: promotes
the flow of milk, promotes
the flow of milk, stimulate
the flue
the foot, Cuts on
the foot, Ringworm of
the foot, wart on
the gall, disease of
the gallbladder, Cleansing
the gallbladder, Stimulates
the gallbladder, Stone in
the glandular system, Adenopathy a disease of
the Golan Heights and the West Bank region, Phytomedical used in Israel,
the gripes
the gripes, can cause
the Guianas (Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana), Phytomedical use in
the gum tissue, Inflammation of
the hair, care of
the hair, Enhance the color of
the hair, increase growth of
the hand, Homoeopathy: Improve blood circulation of
the hands, homoeopathy: insufficient circulation in
the head, Headache caused by blows to
the head, heals sores in
the heart, dilatation of
the heart, disorder of
the heart, enlargement of
the heart, Fluttering of
the heart, good for
the heart, Nervous disorders of
the heart, Palpitation of
the heat out of nettle sting, take
the hen house, Veterinary: Lice in
the High Atlas, Morocco, Phytomedical used by Tashelhit speaking community in
the host, Parasites that live on the outside of
the immune system, Stimulates
the imune system, positive influence on
the inner ear, Inflamation of
the inner lining of the uterus, Inflammation of
the internal female sexual organs, inflammation of
the intestine after operation, calm
the intestine, inflammation conditions of
the intestines, Relaxes
the irritation from cow-itch (Mucuna pruriens), Remowe
the island Soqotra, Yemen, Phytomedical used at
the joints, chronic disease of
the joints, disease of
the joints, pain in
the joints, Swelling of
the joints, warm
the kidney, inflammation of
the kidney, Weakness of
the kidneys, cleanses
the kidneys, disorder of
the kidneys, good for
the knees, Pain in
the large intestine, Homoeopathy: inflammation of
the large intestine, inflammation of
the larynx, cancer of
the larynx, disease of
the larynx, Inflammation of
the legs, Cold in
the legs, Numbness in the lower part of the body and
the legs, Pain in
the legs, Rheumatism in
the legs, Tiredness in the lower part of the body and
the liver, Activates
the liver, Affections of
the liver, benificial effect on
the liver, blockages in
the liver, cirrhosis of
the liver, cleansing
the liver, disease of
the liver, disorders of
the liver, Enlargement of
the liver, expels the slimy fluids from
the liver, good for
the liver, hardening of
the liver, inflammation of
the liver, Purifies
the liver, stimulate
the liver, Strengthens
the liver, Weakness of
the loins, pain across
the loins, pains across
the lower legs, sores on
the lower part of the body and the legs, Numbness in
the lower part of the body and the legs, Tiredness in
the lung, Neoplastic tumors of
the lungs, enlargement of
the lungs, haemorrhage from
the lungs, hemorrhage from
the lungs, inflammation of
the lungs, phlegm in
the lungs, Strengthen
the male reproductive organs, homoeopathy: disorders in
the menstrual cycle, Regulates
the mouth and lips, Inflammation of
the mouth, antiseptic for
the mouth, Astringent tonic for
the mouth, inflammation of
the mouth, inflammation of the mucous membrane of
the mouth, irritation of the mucous membranes inside
the mouth, Soothe the mucous membranes of
the mouth, Sores in
the mouth, sores in
the mouth, Thrush in
the mucous membrane of the mouth, inflammation of
the mucous membranes inside the mouth, irritation of
the mucous membranes of the mouth, Soothe
the mucous membranes of the throat, Soothe
the muscels, Pain in
the nervous system, Affections of
the nervous system, calm
the nervous system, relaxes
the nervous system, stimulate
the North Araguaia microregion, Mato Grosso, Brazil, Phytomedical used by Ribeirinhos in
the Oesophagus, Cancer of
the onset of menstruation, promote
the organism after illness, General fatigue of
the organism after overwork, General fatigue of
the organism, General fatigue of
the outside of the host, Parasites that live on
the ovaries, Cleansing after operation of
the ovaries, inflammation of
the pancreas, good influence over
the pancreas, stimulates
the pancreas, strengthen
the pelvic muscles, stimulates
the penis, Enlarge
the peripheral circulation, Strengthens
the peritoneum, Inflammation of
the pharynx, Homoeopathy: Inflammation of
the pharynx, inflammation conditions of
the pharynx, inflammation of
the pharynx, Inflammation of
the prostate, Carcinoma of
the prostate, inflammation of
the prostate, Swelling of
the pupil of the eye, Enlarges
the rectum, prolaps of
the rectum, prolapse of
the reproductive organs, inflammation conditions of
the respiratory passages, accumulation of mucus in
the respiratory passages, disorders in
the respiratory passages, inflammation conditions of
the respiratory system, Acts on
the respiratory tract, diseases of
the rose
the scalp, favus of
the secretion of gastric juices, stimulates
the sight, clear
the sinuses, Inflammation of
the skin, care of
the skin, cleansing
the skin, homoeopathy: blisters on
the skin, inflammation of
the skin, irritates
the slimy fluids from the bladder, expels
the slimy fluids from the liver, expels
the south of Kerman, Iran, Phytomedical used in
the spirit, Lifts
the spleen, blockages in
the spleen, disease of
the spleen, Enlargement of
the stomach mucus membrane, Infection of
the stomach, acidity of
the stomach, chill on
the stomach, Cleanses
the stomach, complaints of
the stomach, disease of
the stomach, enlargement of
the stomach, good for
the stomach, haemorrhage from
the stomach, Heat of
the stomach, hemorrhage from
the stomach, Homoeopathy: complaints of
the stomach, Infections of
the stomach, inflammation conditions of
the stomach, Purifies
the stomach, regulate
the stomach, Stagnant water in
the stomach, styptic for
the stools, Blood in
the sun, protects against
the teeth, loosening of
the throat, boil in
the throat, cancer of
the throat, Homoeopathy: inflammation of
the throat, inflammation conditions of
the throat, inflammation of
the throat, Inflammation of
the throat, Muscus in
the throat, pain in
the throat, prevents inflammation of
the throat, Soothe the mucous membranes of
the throat, sores in
the thyroid gland, homoeopathy: consequences of minor cases of overproduction by
the thyroid gland, homoeopathy: minor cases of overproduction by
the thyroid gland, homoeopathy: over-activity of
the tongue, cancer of
the tongue, Paralysis of
the tonsils, Inflammation of
the trachea, disorders in
the trachea, inflammation of
the treatment of anaemia, Used in
the treatment of anemia, Used in
the treatment of cough, Used in
the treatment of liver disorders, Used in
the treatment of snake bites, Used in
the urethra, catarrh of
the urethra, Inflammation of
the urinary bladder, infections in
the urinary mucous membranes, catarrhal infections of
the urinary organs, infection of
the urinary passage, disorders of
the urinary passage, inflammation of
the urinary passages, Infection in
the urinary system, Acts on
the urinary system, inflammation conditions of
the urinary system, problems in
the urinary tract, homoeopathy: trouble with
the urinary tract, infections in
the urinary tract, stones in
the urine, Blood in
the urine, Increase the excretion of uric acid in
the urine, Removing acid from
the urine, sugar in
the uterus, Cleansing after operation of
the uterus, discharge from
the uterus, Inflammation of the inner lining of
the uterus, pain in
the uterus, Pain of
the uterus, prolapse of
the uterus, stops bleeding of
the uterus, Strengthens
the vision, clears
the voice, Restores
the West Bank region, Phytomedical used in Israel, the Golan Heights and
the womb, Astringent tonic for
therapy in cancer, improves effect of radiation
therapy, Support cancer
therapy, support digitalis
Thick sputum
Thickened arteries, Homoeopathy:
thin the blood, To
thinner, blood
Third-degree burn
Thorn prick
thread veins
three-day fever
Throat affections
throat cancer
throat catarrh
throat complaints
throat complaints, soothe
Throat Conditions
throat infection
throat infections
throat infections, Homoeopathy:
throat inflammation
Throat pain
Throat problems
throat trouble
throat ulcers
throat, a sore
throat, boil in the
throat, cancer of the
throat, Gargle of
throat, heat in mouth and
throat, Homoeopathy: inflammation of the
throat, Homoeopathy: sore
throat, inflammation conditions of the
throat, inflammation of the
throat, Inflammation of the
throat, Muscus in the
throat, pain in the
throat, prevents inflammation of the
throat, Soothe the mucous membranes of the
throat, sore
throat, Sore
throat, sores in the
throat, Swelling of
throat, To remove fish spine from
throats, Infected sore
throbbing migraine headache, stabbing or
Thromboangiitis obliterans
thrombosis, reduce risk of
Throwing up
Thrush in the mouth
Thyroid disease
thyroid diseases
thyroid gland, homoeopathy: consequences of minor cases of overproduction by the
thyroid gland, homoeopathy: minor cases of overproduction by the
thyroid gland, homoeopathy: over-activity of the
thyroid, Homoeopathy: overactive
thyroid, overactive
thyroidism, hyper
tickling cough
timber, Used as
timber, Used for
Tinea on hands and feet
Tinea pedis
tired eyes
Tired legs
Tiredness in the lower part of the body and the legs
tiret feet
tissue, Inflammation of the gum
to abscesses, promotes suppuration
to Aconitum ferox, Antidode
to alleviate muscle spasms, Used
to amanita poisoning, antidote
to animal bites, antidote
to animals, Ecbolics
to arsenical poisoning, Antidode
to blood stasis, Pains due
To bring good luck
to bronchiectasis, Haematemesis due
to cats, Poisonous
to cattle, Poisonous
to change of weather, sensitive
to chicken, Poisonous
to children, Poisonous
to cleanse the blood
to Cobra venom, Antidode
to consumption disease, Cough and sputum due
to dogs, Poisonous
to dye different types of fibres, Used
to fish, Poisonous
to fish, toxic
to glandular swellings, promotes suppuration
to goats, Poisonous
to heat in lungs, Cough due
to heat strokes, Fever due
to horses, Poisonous
to humans, Poisonous
to hypertension, Dizziness due
to increase appetite, Stimulant
to infections, increases resistance
to inflammation in lungs, Cough due
to influenza, Fever due
to influenza, Headache due
to livestock, Poisonous
To lose weight
to malaria, swollen spleen due
to moos, Poisonous
to much stomach acid, Should not be taken if
to old age, progressive deafness due
to Opium poisoning, Antidode
to pigs, Poisonous
to poisoning, Antidote
to poultry, Poisonous
to pulmonary tuberculosis, Haemoptysis due
to rabbits, Poisonous
To remove fish spine from throat
to respiration, Stimulant
to retention of sputum, Dyspnaea due
to rodents, Poisonous
to sheep, Poisonous
to skin, Emollient
to snakebites, antidote
to stomach cold, Vomiting due
to summer heat, Fever due
to the central nervous system, Stimulant
to the circulatory system, damage
to the head, Headache caused by blows
To thin the blood
to treat lice (Pediculus humanus capitus), Used
to tuberculosis, Intermittent fever due
to turkeys, Poisonous
to urinary tract, Astringent
to vitamin A deficiency, Nightblindness due
to young children, do not give
to-heal wounds, Slow
tobacco dependency
Tobacco Substitute
tobacco, scent smoking
toes, Rash between
tone after birth, Restore womb
tones mucous membranes, Restorate and
tongue, cancer of the
tongue, Paralysis of the
Tonic for blood
tonic for cage birds and poultry, Veterinary:
Tonic for Childhood Illnesses, Generel
tonic for the bowels, Astringent
tonic for the mouth, Astringent
tonic for the womb, Astringent
tonic, Antiseptic
tonic, Astringent
Tonic, Bitter
tonic, Blood
tonic, Brain
tonic, Cardiac
tonic, Digestive
tonic, hair
tonic, heart
tonic, Herbal
tonic, Iron
tonic, Kidney
tonic, nerve
tonic, Nervine
tonic, Sedative nerve
tonic, Sexual
tonic, skin
tonic, Spleen
tonic, stomach
tonic, Uterine
Tonic, Veterinary:
Tonify kidney, TCM:
tonsillitis, Homoeopathy:
tonsils, Inflammation of the
too frequent menstruation
Tooth decay
Tooth infection
Tooth infections
Tooth Inflammation
Tooth problems
tooth, Bad
toothache, Analgesic for
toothache, Homoeopathy:
Toothpaste substitute
Topical analgesic
Torn ligament
Toxic diffuse goiter
Toxic sideeffects
toxic to fish
toxins, Clears
trachea, disorders in the
trachea, inflammation of the
tract ailments, Urinary
tract diseases in children, Intestinal
tract diseases, antiinflammatory agent in digestive
tract diseases, antiinflammatory agent in respiratory
tract diseases, Urinary
tract infection, Respiratory
tract infection, Urinary
tract infection, urinary
tract, Astringent to urinary
tract, chronically inflammation of urinary
tract, diseases of the respiratory
tract, homoeopathy: trouble with the biliary
tract, homoeopathy: trouble with the urinary
tract, infections in the urinary
tract, infections of respiratory
tract, Inflammation of the digestive
tract, inflammation of urinary
tract, Inflammations of the digestive
tract, stones in the urinary
traditional Chinese medicin, Used in
Traditional Chinese medicine
Traditional Japanese Kampo Medicine, Used in
trancheal catarrh
trancheal catarrh, chronic
Transmissible disease
transmitted disease, Sexually
transmitted infections, Sexually
trauma, Ballistic
trauma, eye
traumatic brain injury, Mild
Traumatic injury
travel sickness
treat lice (Pediculus humanus capitus), Used to
treatment for worms
treatment for worms, Veterinary:
treatment of allergies
treatment of anaemia, Used in the
treatment of anemia, Used in the
treatment of cough, Used in the
treatment of human skin parasite Dermatobia hominis, a botfly
treatment of liver disorders, Used in the
treatment of snake bites, Used in the
treatment, Kidney
treatment, stimulates appetite during cancer
treatment, support antibiotic
treatment, wound
tremens, delirium
trichomoniasis, Vaginal
Trigeminal neuralgia
Triglycerides, High
trophorestorative, Cardiac
trophorestorative, Nervous
trophorestorative, Urinary
trophorestorative, Venous
tropica, Frambesia
tropicum, Polypapilloma
trouble with the biliary tract, homoeopathy:
trouble with the urinary tract, homoeopathy:
trouble, Abdominal
trouble, digestive
trouble, ear
trouble, Genito- Urinary
trouble, heart
trouble, Homoeopathy: gastric
trouble, Homoeopathy: intestinal
trouble, Homoeopathy: kidney
trouble, Homoeopathy: prostate
trouble, kidney
trouble, Sinus
trouble, stomach
trouble, Teething
trouble, throat
troubles, Cardiac
trush, Infants
truth drug
truth serum
trypanosomiasis, American
Tubercular, Anti
tuberculosis TB, Pulmonary
tuberculosis, Haemoptysis due to pulmonary
tuberculosis, Homoeopathy:
tuberculosis, Intermittent fever due to
tuberculosis, pulmonary
tumor (Lung), Anti
tumor activity, Anti
Tumor inhibition
Tumor promotion
tumor, Anti
tumor, Bone
tumor, Brain
tumor, glandular
tumor, Lung
tumor, lung
tumor, Malignant
tumor, pulmonary
tumor, Spinal
tumors of the lung, Neoplastic
Tumour inhibition
tumour, Bone
tumour, Cancerous
tumour, malignant
turkeys, Poisonous to
Twisted foot
Type 2 Diabetes
type 2, Diabetes mellitus
types of fibres, Used to dye different
typhoid fever
Ta Tb Tc Te Th Ti To Tr Tu Tw Ty
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Copyright Erik Gotfredsen