Liber Herbarum Minor (English)
The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine


Smooth sumac



cashew or sumac family (Anacardiaceae)


Smooth sumac, Scarlet sumac, Smooth sumach, Upland sumac, White sumac


Rhus glabra L.

Diseases & Uses

Ungrouped Diseases & Uses

Adstringent, Alterative, Anorexia, Anorexy, Anti-bacterial, Antibacterial Agent, Antifebrile, Antihemorrhagic, Antihæmorrhagic, Antipyretic, antiseptic, Anti-Tubercular, Appetite stimulant, Appetizer, Appetizing, Astrigent, astringent, Bactericidal, Bactericide, Bacteriostatic, baktericidal, Bleeding Stancher, check bleeding, Consumption, Coolant, Cooling, disease of the eye, disinfectant, Diuretic, emetic, Eye complaints, Eye disease, eye diseases, Febrifugal, febrifuge, haemostatic, Hemostat, Hemostatic, Herbal tonic, Hæmostatic, improves appetite, improve the complexion, inappetence, Increases the appetite, induce vomiting, inhibit bleeding, irritates the skin, lack of appetite, Loss of appetite, MTB, Oleaginous, ophthalmic disease, Ophthalmic problems, opthalmic disease, Phthisis, Phthisis pulmonalis, Phthysis, Poor appetite, Pyretic, reduce fevers, Refrigerant, Refrigerent, relieves fevers, Rubefacient, Salve, Stanches blood, staunches bleeding, Stimulant to increase appetite, stimulate the appetite, Stiptic, Stop bleeding, Stops bleeding, styptic, TB, Tonic, tuberculosis, Used as an antiseptic, vomitive

Women's diseases

Absence of a menstrual period, Aids milk flow in nursing mothers, Amenorrhea, Amenorrhoea, Amenorrhœa, Amenorrhoea, Amenorrhœa, Encourages breast milk, encourages menstruation, Ensures good milk supply, Galactagogue, galactopoietic, increase milk sekretion in women, Lactagogue, Milk production stimulant, promotes the flow of milk, promote the onset of menstruation, stimulate milk production, stimulate the flow of milk

Other uses

colouring, Dye, Dyeing, Used to dye different types of fibres


 aluminium, ash, Barium, Boron, Cadmium, Calcium, Chromium, cobalt, Copper, fat, Fisetin, fluorine, iodine, Lead, magnesium, manganese, Molybdenum, Nickel, phosphorus, potassium, protein, Selenium, sodium, Strontium, tannin, tartaric acid, Titanium, Vegetable oil, zinc, Zirconium

Source: LiberHerbarum/Pn4233

Copyright Erik Gotfredsen