Plant |
Family | Malvaceae |
English |
Roselle, Florida cranberry, Guinea sorrel, Hibiscus, Indian-sorrel, Jamaica sorrel, Jamaica tea flower, Karkadé, Nubia tea, Pink lemonade flower, Red sorrel, Sour-sour |
Latin |
Hibiscus sabdariffa Linne |
Plantparts | Blossom, foliage, Roots, Seeds, Unspecified |
Ungrouped Diseases & Uses |
Abdominal trouble, Adstringent, Aids digestion, Anorexia, Anorexy, Anti-bacterial, Antibacterial Agent, Anti-eczemic, Anti-fatigue, Antifebrile, Anti-hemorrhoidal, Anti-hypertensive, Antihypotensive agent, Antiinflammatory, antiinflammatory agent, antipyretic, Anti-scorbutic, Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, aperient, Aperitive, Appetite stimulant, Appetizer, Appetizing, Arterial hypertension, Astrigent, Astringent, Bactericidal, Bactericide, Bacteriostatic, bad digestion, baktericidal, benificial effect on the digestion, Bitter, Bitter Tonic, catharic, Cathartic, cholagogic, Cholagogue, complaints of the stomach, convulsive state, cordial, Cramp, Cramps, Cutaneous Eruptions, Cutaneous infections, Digestive, Digestive stimulant, digestive trouble, Digestive weakness, disease of the stomach, Disinfectant, dispepsia, diuretic, Dry skin, dyspepsia, eczema, Enhance the color of the hair, Erectile dysfunction, Erectile function disorder, eruption, Eupeptic, excema, exhaustion, Expellant of bile, faintness, Fatigue, Febrifugal, febrifuge, Febrile response, feebleness, fever, feverish condition, Fevers, Fortifying, Gastroenteritis, Gastropathy, General inflammation, General inflammations, Good for digestion, good for the stomach, haemorrhoids, Hair Strengthener, Hemorrhoid, hemorrhoids, High bloodpressure, Hypertension, Hyper tensive, Hypotension, Hypotensive, Impotence, impotency, improves appetite, improves digestion, inappetence, Increases the appetite, indigestion, Inflammation, inflammation in general, inflammations, Inflammations in general, lack of appetite, Languidness, Languor, Lassitude, laxative, Listlessness, Loss of appetite, Low blood pressure, Lowers bloodpressure, Lung ailments, Lung complaints, lung disease, lung diseases, lung disorders, Lung problems, Male impotence, mild laxative, Mildly laxative, movements of the bowel, Piles, Poor appetite, Poor digestion, Pressor, Promotes digestion, Pulmonary Conditions, pulmonary disease, Pungent, purgative, Pyretic, Pyrexia, Rash, Rashes, reduce blood pressure, reduce fevers, reduce high bloodpressure, Refresher, refreshing, relax spasms, relieves fevers, scorbutus, scurvy, Sexual impotence, skin eruption, Skin Eruptions, Skin infection, Skin infections, skin rashes, spasm, Spasmolytic, Stimulant to increase appetite, stimulates digestion, stimulate the appetite, Stomach aliment, stomach atony, stomach complaints, stomach debility, Stomach disease, stomach disorders, stomachic, stomach lassitude, stomach problems, stomach tonic, stomach trouble, Strengthener, Strengthening, tiredness, tonic, Used as an antiseptic, varicose veins, varicose vessel, varix, Vasopressor, Vasopressor agent, Warming digestive, Weak hair, weakness, weak stomach, weariness |
Foods |
coffee substitute, Substitute for coffee, used as a coffee additive |
Other uses |
colouring, Dye, Dyeing, Used to dye different types of fibres |
Local (Geographical) use |
Phytomedical used in French Guiana, Phytomedical used in West Bank, Palestine, Phytomedical use in Brazil, Phytomedical use in the Guianas (Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana) |
Ingredients |
| 4-Anisaldehyde, acetic acid, acid, aluminium, Anthocyanin, ascorbic acid, ash, Aspartic acid, Benzaldehyde, Benzyl alcohol, Beta-Sitosterol, Butyric acid, Calcium, calcium oxalate, Campesterol, Caprylic acid, Carbohydrates, cellulose, Cholesterol, Chromium, citric acid, cobalt, Delphinidin, Ergosterol, Ethanol, fat, Fibres, flavonoid, formic acid, fruit acid, Glycolic acid, Gossypetin, iron, Isoamyl alcohol, linoleic acid, magnesium, Maleic acid, malic acid, manganese, Mannose, Methanol, mucilage, Myristic acid, Niacin, Nitrogen, Nonanoic acid, Oleic acid, oxalic acid, Palmitic acid, Palmitoleic acid, pectin, Pentosan, phosphorus, Phytosterol, potassium, potassium oxalate, Propionic acid, protein, Protocatechuic acid, resin, saponin, Selenium, silicon, sodium, starch, Stearic acid, Sucrose, sugars, Sulfur, tartaric acid, Tin, Vegetable oil, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, water, Xylose, zinc, Α-terpenylacetate, Β-Carotene |