Liber Herbarum Minor (English)
The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine


Bush basil



Bush basil


Ocimum minimum L., Ocimum basilicum ‘minimum’, Ocymum minimum


foliage, Unspecified

Diseases & Uses

Ungrouped Diseases & Uses

Abdominal trouble, Aids digestion, Antifebrile, Anti-pyretic, Anti-Rheumatic, Antispasmodic, arthritis, bad digestion, benificial effect on the digestion, Calmative, Calming of nerves, Carminative, Carminativum, Clears gas, complaints of the stomach, convulsive state, Cramp, Cramps, Digestive, Digestive stimulant, digestive trouble, Digestive weakness, disease of the eye, disease of the stomach, dispepsia, diuretic, Dyspepsia, Eupeptic, Eye complaints, Eye disease, eye diseases, Fart, Febrifugal, febrifuge, flatulence, flatulency, flatus, Gas, Gastric catarrh, Gastritis, Gastropathy, Good for digestion, good for the stomach, improves digestion, Indigestion, Infant's trush, intestinal gas, ophthalmic disease, Ophthalmic problems, opthalmic disease, Poor digestion, Promotes digestion, Pyretic, reduce fevers, relaxes the nervous system, relax spasms, relieves fevers, Rheumatic disorder, Rheumatism, sedative, soothe, soothes nerves, Soothing, spasm, Spasmolytic, stimulates digestion, Stomach aliment, stomach atony, stomach complaints, stomach debility, Stomach disease, stomach disorders, Stomachic, stomach lassitude, stomach problems, stomach tonic, Stomach trouble, Thrush, tranquilizer, Tranquilliser, tranquillizer, trush, verruca, Warming digestive, Wart, warts, weak stomach, wind

Women's diseases

Aids milk flow in nursing mothers, Encourages breast milk, Ensures good milk supply, Galactagogue, Galactopoietic, increase milk sekretion in women, Lactagogue, Milk production stimulant, promotes the flow of milk, stimulate milk production, stimulate the flow of milk


Aromatic, Condiment, culinary, Culinary herb, Flavor, flavouring, spice, tea substitute

Other uses

Plant is mentioned without indication for use

Religion, Magic & Witchcraft

magical or religious use

Local (Geographical) use

Phytomedical used in Northeastern Brazil, Phytomedical use in Brazil, Phytomedical use in the Guianas (Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana)


 essential oil

Source: LiberHerbarum/Pn1025

Copyright Erik Gotfredsen