Liber Herbarum Minor (English)
The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine


Dog's mercury



Dog's mercury, Dog’s mercury, Dogs mercury, Wild mercury


Mercurialis perennis L.

Diseases & Uses

Ungrouped Diseases & Uses

Anorexia, Anorexy, Anti-Bronchitic, Anti-edemic, Anti-emetic, Anti-gout, Anti-Rheumatic, Antivomitive, aperient, Appetite stimulant, Appetizer, Appetizing, arthritis, Bladder ailments, Bladder complaints, Bladder disease, Bladder diseases, bladder disorders, Bladder problems, Bronchial catarrh, Bronchitis, Bronquite, catharic, Cathartic, constipation, Costive, Costiveness, disease of the bladder, disease of the eye, Dropsy, Dyschezia, Dyssynergic defaecation, Edema, emesis, emetic, Eye complaints, Eye disease, eye diseases, fluid accumulation, Gout, Hydropsy, improves appetite, inappetence, Increases the appetite, induce vomiting, kidney stone, Kidney stone disease, Kidney Stones, lack of appetite, Laxative, loss of appetite, movements of the bowel, Nephrolith, Oedema, ophthalmic disease, Ophthalmic problems, opthalmic disease, Poor appetite, Puking, purgative, renal calculus, Renal stones, Rheumatic arthralgia, Rheumatic disorder, Rheumatism, Stimulant to increase appetite, stimulate the appetite, Stones in kidney, stopping vomiting, Throwing up, Urinary bladder disease, Urolithiasis, verruca, Vomit, vomiting, vomitive, Wart, warts

Women's diseases

All women's diseases, Difficult menstruation, feminine disorders, Gynaecological, Gyneacological, Gyneacologycal, Gyneacoloical, menstrual complaints, menstrual disorder, menstrual disorders, Menstrual problems, menstruation problems

Homoeopathically uses

arthritis, homoeopathically use, Homoeopathically uses, liver disorders, liver problems, mouth infections, rheumatism


Poison, Poisonous, Toxic

Other uses

colouring, Dye, Dyeing, Used to dye different types of fibres


 amine, Bitter Components, essential oil, saponin, trimethylamine, Vegetable oil

Source: LiberHerbarum/Pn0545

Copyright Erik Gotfredsen