Liber Herbarum Minor (English)
The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine


Phenylacetic acid


  Phenylacetic-Acid, PAA

Plant Names


English Latin
AlmondPrunus amygdalusFlower
Bei chai huBupleurum chinense
Bitter orangeCitrus x aurantiumFlower
Black pepperPiper nigrumFruit, Volatitile oil
Black walnutJuglans nigraSeed
Capillary wormwoodArtemisia capillaris
Cocoa treeTheobroma cacaoSeed
Common tobaccoNicotiana tabacumLeaf
Female ginsengAngelica sinensis
MaizeZea maysPollen
PeppermintMentha x piperitaLeaf
RajanigandhaAgave amicaFlower
Simpleleaf chastetreeVitex trifolia
TeaCamellia sinensisLeaf
Wax leaf privetLigustrum japonicumFlower

Source: LiberHerbarum/In2016

Copyright Erik Gotfredsen