Liber Herbarum Minor (English)
The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine





Plant Names


English Latin
BasilOcimum basilicum
Bitter appleCitrullus lanatusFruit, Fruit juice
Black walnutJuglans nigraVolatitile oil
BlueberryVaccinium corymbosumFruit juice
Bread wheatTriticum aestivumShoot
BuckwheatFagopyrum esculentumSeed
CeleriacApium graveolensShoot
CentellaCentella asiaticaShoot
Chilli pepperCapsicum annuumFruit, Fruit
CloveSyzygium aromaticumFruit
ElderSambucus nigraFlower=oil
Fever-fewTanacetum partheniumOil of fruits
GingerZingiber officinaleOil from the root, Rhizome
GinsengPanax ginsengShoot
GuavaPsidium guajavaFruit
Khaki BushTagetes minutaOil of leaves
MaizeZea maysLeaf, Pod husk, Seed oil, Shoot
OatAvena sativaSeed
ParsleyPetroselinum crispumLeaf
RosemarySalvia rosmarinus
SoybeanGlycine maxPlant
Spear mintMentha spicataLeaf, Volatitile oil
SunflowerHelianthus annuusSeed
TeaCamellia sinensisShoot

Source: LiberHerbarum/In1624

Copyright Erik Gotfredsen