Liber Herbarum Minor (English)
The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine




  allantoin, 5-ureidohydantoin, Glyoxyldiureide

Plant Names


English Latin
Angel's trumpetDatura metelSeed
Arabica coffeeCoffea arabicaLeaf
AristolochiaAristolochia debilisRoot
Bambouk-buttertreeVitellaria paradoxaSeed
Bitter appleCitrullus lanatusSeed
BorageBorago officinalisEmbryo, Leaf, Rhizome, Root, Seed, Sprout Seedling
Brazilian ginsengHebanthe erianthosRoot
Bread wheatTriticum aestivumEmbryo
Chinese wisteriaWisteria sinensis
Common beanPhaseolus vulgarisPericarp
Common buglossAnchusa officinalis
Common comfreySymphytum officinaleLeaf, Root
Common corn cockleAgrostemma githagoSprout Seedling
East asian arrowrootPueraria montana var. lobata
Goat's rueGalega officinalisShoot
GromwellAegonychon purpurocaeruleum
Guan fang chiAristolochia fangchi
Guinea hen weedPetiveria alliaceaPlant
Horse chestnutAesculus hippocastanumBark, Branch, Leaf, Nut
Hounds-tongueCynoglossum officinale
KinnikinnickArctostaphylos uva- ursiLeaf, Plant
Lung-wortPulmonaria officinalisFlowering herb without root, Leaf
MaizeZea maysEmbryo, Seed
Northern pipevineAristolochia contorta
PeaLathyrus oleraceusShoot
PlantainPlantago majorPlant
PotatoSolanum tuberosumPlant
Red cloverTrifolium pratenseSprout Seedling
RiceOryza sativaSeed
SanicleSanicula europaea
Sour cherryPrunus cerasusStem
SoybeanGlycine maxLeaf, Seed, Shoot
Staghorn sumacRhus typhina
TeaCamellia sinensisPlant
Viper's buglossEchium vulgare
White lupinLupinus albusSprout Seedling

Source: LiberHerbarum/In0391

Copyright Erik Gotfredsen