Liber Herbarum Minor (English)
The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine





Plant Names


English Latin
Alexandrian sennaSenna alexandrinaLegume
Aloe veraAloe veraLeaf, Plant
Asian copperleafAcalypha australis
BistortBistorta officinalisRoot
Black alderAlnus glutinosaBark
BuckthornRhamnus cathartica
Candle bushSenna alataPlant
Cape myrtleMyrsine africana
Cascara buckthornFrangula purshianaBark, Plant, tissue culture
Chinese sennaSenna obtusifoliaSeed
Coffee sennaSenna occidentalis
Common ivyHedera helix
Common sorrelRumex acetosaPlant
Crimson beautyReynoutria japonicaRoot
Curled dockRumex crispusRhizome, Root, Seed, Shoot
Fynbos aloeAloe succotrina
Glossy buckthornFrangula alnusBark, Branch
Himalayan rhubarbRheum australe
IpecacuanhaCarapichea ipecacuanha
Korean epimediumEpimedium koreanum
Mile-a-minutePersicaria perfoliata
Nepal dockRumex nepalensis
Patience dockRumex patientia
RamieBoehmeria niveaRoot
RhubarbRheum officinaleBulb, Plant, Rhizome, Root
RhubarbRheum tanguticum
RhubarbRheum officinaleBulb, Plant, Rhizome, Root
RhubarbRheum rhabarbarumRoot
RhubarbRheum officinaleBulb, Plant, Rhizome, Root
SargentodoxaSargentodoxa cuneata
Sheep's sorrelRumex acetosellaRoot
Spiked rhubarbRheum spiciforme
Toothed dockRumex dentatus
ToraSenna toraSeed
Tuber fleeceflowerReynoutria multifloraBulb, Leaf, Plant, Rhizome, Root, Shoot, Tuber
Turkish rhubarbRheum palmatumPetiole, Rhizome, Root, tissue culture

Source: LiberHerbarum/In0063

Copyright Erik Gotfredsen